I had some trouble to get server side rendering with the AWSAppSyncClient working. I finally found a solution in https://github.com/awslabs/aws-mobile-appsync-sdk-js/issues/82 but it might be worth to share it here as well. Instead of adding a big code block to each file I'll just refer to this Pull Request.
In case you want to use the `AWSAppSyncClient` you just need to replace the `create()` function with this function:
import AWSAppSyncClient from 'aws-appsync';
import { AUTH_TYPE } from 'aws-appsync/lib/link/auth-link';
function create(initialState) {
const client = new AWSAppSyncClient({
url: AWS_AppSync.graphqlEndpoint,
region: AWS_AppSync.region,
auth: {
apiKey: AWS_AppSync.apiKey,
// Amazon Cognito Federated Identities using AWS Amplify
//credentials: () => Auth.currentCredentials(),
// Amazon Cognito user pools using AWS Amplify
// jwtToken: async () => (await Auth.currentSession()).getIdToken().getJwtToken(),
disableOffline: true,
}, {
cache: new InMemoryCache().restore(initialState || {}),
ssrMode: true
return client;
* Add new apollo example
* Update readme
* Update with-apollo to use _app.js
* Move withData to _app
* Make SSR work again
* Remove withData
* Use HOC to provide apolloClient
* Spread pageprops
This was causing react-apollo to crash on any SSR page that needed the page's query to make the GraphQL queries.
It's magically passed on the client, but we have to manually pass it to the composed component here
* pass down getInitialProps ctx to ComposedComponent
* pass apollo client instance directly to getDataFromTree instead of through the ApolloProvider wrapper.
* Avoid redundant empty serverState initialization (It's always initialized)
The serverState variable definition did not include the data node, which
may cause parsing errors on the client-side.
- add data: { } on line 23 within the apollo: { } object
Prior to react-apollo 2.0 createNetworkInterface accepted the credentials option in {opt: {credentials: 'policy'}}. HttpLink accepts it as {credentials: 'policy'}.
* [fix] with-apollo: Cannot read property 'data'
When we create the initial serverState, we need to create the
eventual construct of the Apollo Data to reside within
Later in the constructor this allows for the initApollo to either
be generated from SSR, or to init from scratch.
> Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
* [refactor] with-apollo: reduce init `serverState`
No need to explicitly set `data` as empty.
This trims up 4 lines. 😀️
* Updated dependencies related to Apollo and React.
* Updated libs with Apollo 2 new set of modules.
* Updated to Apollo 2 react integration modules.
* Updated withData to separate apollo state from the app's state.
* Add minimal apollo example
* Update apollo example README
* Update apollo example demo link in README
* Fix button styles
* Fix show more button
* Alias demo url
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating
* Revert
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating per tpreusse's suggestion.
* Add example to faq section in README
* Sort by newest; Add active state to buttons
* Make optimization suggestions
* Use process.browser; inline props
* Pass wrapped component's initial props into component heirarchy if they exist
* Remove unnecessary sorting of array
* Update Apollo example
* Remove trailing comma
* Update reduxRootKey
* Remove unnecessary babelrc
* Update with-apollo example
- Remove use of deprecated 'reduxRootKey' option
- Add loading indicator inside pagination button
* Fix with-apollo example pagination; Pass initialState to ApolloClient
* Split apollo example into two (one with and without Redux integration)
* Rename createClient private function to _initClient
* Set initialState default parameter inside initClient function
* Remove redux dep from with-apollo example
* Add minimal apollo example
* Update apollo example README
* Update apollo example demo link in README
* Fix button styles
* Fix show more button
* Alias demo url
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating
* Revert
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating per tpreusse's suggestion.
* Add example to faq section in README
* Sort by newest; Add active state to buttons
* Make optimization suggestions
* Use process.browser; inline props
* Pass wrapped component's initial props into component heirarchy if they exist
* Remove unnecessary sorting of array
* Update Apollo example
* Remove trailing comma
* Update reduxRootKey
* Remove unnecessary babelrc
* Update with-apollo example
- Remove use of deprecated 'reduxRootKey' option
- Add loading indicator inside pagination button
- Deleted several unused dependencies.
- Updated dependencies.
- Simplified Apollo related imports thanks to react-apollo exporting apollo-client and graphql-tag since [v0.13.2](https://github.com/apollographql/react-apollo/blob/master/Changelog.md#0132).
- Tidied the readme and added a link to the Apollo docs.
* Add minimal apollo example
* Update apollo example README
* Update apollo example demo link in README
* Fix button styles
* Fix show more button
* Alias demo url
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating
* Revert
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating per tpreusse's suggestion.
* Add example to faq section in README
* Sort by newest; Add active state to buttons
* Make optimization suggestions
* Use process.browser; inline props
* Pass wrapped component's initial props into component heirarchy if they exist
* Remove unnecessary sorting of array
* Update Apollo example
* Remove trailing comma
* Update reduxRootKey
* Remove unnecessary babelrc
* Add minimal apollo example
* Update apollo example README
* Update apollo example demo link in README
* Fix button styles
* Fix show more button
* Alias demo url
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating
* Revert
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating per tpreusse's suggestion.
* Add example to faq section in README
* Sort by newest; Add active state to buttons
* Make optimization suggestions
* Use process.browser; inline props
* Pass wrapped component's initial props into component heirarchy if they exist
* Add minimal apollo example
* Update apollo example README
* Update apollo example demo link in README
* Fix button styles
* Fix show more button
* Alias demo url
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating
* Revert
* Include the data field on the Apollo store when hydrating per tpreusse's suggestion.
* Add example to faq section in README
* Sort by newest; Add active state to buttons
* Make optimization suggestions
* Use process.browser; inline props