2019-02-18 01:55:52 -06:00

46 lines
1.3 KiB

# @terribleplan/next-cloudflare
This is pretty rough right now, but it works and can hopefully used to foster discussion in the next.js project around a different/better/additional serverless interface.
## Quickstart
1. You must be using [my fork of next.js](
1. `git clone`
1. `yarn && pushd packages/next-server && npm link && popd && pushd packages/next && npm link && npm link next-server && popd`
1. Install this package to your project
1. `yarn add @terribleplan/next-cloudflare`
1. Build things
1. `npx next build && npx next-cloudflare`
## Usage
This package is usable as an npm module as well as a CLI.
### CLI
#### --input
The project directory that houses the .next build output directory. Defaults to whatever directory the command is invoked from.
This is passed as `cwd` to the programmatic API
#### --output
Where to write the output to. Defaults to `cloudflare-bundle.js` in the input directory (which defaults to the current working directory).
### API
#### Usage
const nextCloudflare = require('@terribleplan/next-cloudflare');
const bundleString = await nextCloudflare(options);
#### options.cwd
The project directory that houses the .next build output directory. Defaults to `process.cwd()`.