var _ = require('lodash'), Formidable = require('formidable'), EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; function Slacker() { } _.assign(Slacker.prototype, EventEmitter.prototype); function SlashCommand(body, res) { //Things from the server this.token = body.token; this.teamId = body.team_id; this.channelId = body.channel_id; this.channelName = body.channel_name; this.userId = body.user_id; this.userName = body.user_name; this.command = body.command; this.text = body.text; this.res = res; //State variables this._hasReplied = false; } _.assign(SlashCommand.prototype, { _generalReply: function() { if (this.hasReplied) { throw { message: "Only one handler can respond to a command" } } this.hasReplied = true; }, replyUser: function (message) { this._generalReply(); this.res.end(message); }, replyChannel: function () { this._generalReply(); this.res.end(); }, error: function (message) { this._generalReply(); this.res.writeHead(400); this.res.end(message); } }); function SlackIncoming(commands) { this.router = new Slacker(); if (typeof commands === "object") { for (var handlerName in commands) { if (commands.hasOwnProperty(handlerName)) { this.registerHandler(commands[handlerName]); } } } } (function () { var checkedFields = ["token", "team_id", "channel_id", "channel_name", "user_id", "user_name", "command", "text"]; function checkCommand(fields) { return _.xor(_.keys(fields), checkedFields).length === 0; } _.assign(SlackIncoming.prototype, { registerHandler: function (handler) { handler(this.router); }, getMiddleware: function () { var self = this; return function (req, res, next) { var form = new Formidable.IncomingForm(); form.encoding = 'utf-8'; form.type = 'urlencoded'; form.maxFieldsSize = 8192; form.maxFields = 15; form.parse(req, function (err, fields, files) { if (err || !checkCommand(fields) //Actually run the handlers || !self.router.emit(fields.command.slice(1), new SlashCommand(fields, res))) { //This will only happen if there were no handlers for our event next(); } }); form.on('error', function(){ next(); }); form.on('aborted', function(){ next(); }); } } }); })(); module.exports = SlackIncoming;