Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/terribleplan/next.js.git synced 2024-01-19 02:48:18 +00:00
James Reggio 4cc691c0b8 Fix #4574: getInitialProps is not called on _error page for client-side errors (#4764)
## What's wrong

This problem is specific to errors that happen on the client _after_ the initial mounting of the component. (The router has special logic to handle exceptions thrown in `getInitialProps` during a client-side navigation, and I've confirmed this logic is correct.)

Specifically, if the page is mounted, and you raise an exception on the page, the exception will cause  the error page to be mounted without ever invoking `getInitialProps` on the new App/Error page pairing.

This has been illustrated with multiple repros in #4574.

## Why is it broken

This regression was introduced two months ago in #4156, where the invocation of `getInitialProps` was removed from the app's top-level error handler. Specifically, [this line](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/pull/4156/files#diff-895656aeaccff5d7c0f56a113ede9662L147) was removed and [replaced by a comment](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/pull/4156/files#diff-895656aeaccff5d7c0f56a113ede9662R167) that says that "`App` will handle the calling of `getInitialProps`".

I believe the sentiment about "`App` will handle calling `getInitialProps`" is mistaken. In fact, it really doesn't make sense on its face, since it would require an instance lifecycle method of `App` (which is mounted immediately after the comment) to invoke the `static getInitialProps` method on the error page.

## How I fixed it

I've fixed this in a fork by restoring Lines 146 – 148 that were removed in #4156. I think this is the right fix, but Next.js's handling of `getInitialProps` could certainly be improved. (The code in [this conditional](86d01706a6/client/index.js (L173)) speaks to the unnecessary complexity around this.)
2018-07-11 23:58:42 +02:00

228 lines
6.9 KiB

import React from 'react'
import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'
import HeadManager from './head-manager'
import { createRouter } from '../lib/router'
import EventEmitter from '../lib/EventEmitter'
import { loadGetInitialProps, getURL } from '../lib/utils'
import PageLoader from '../lib/page-loader'
import * as asset from '../lib/asset'
import * as envConfig from '../lib/runtime-config'
import ErrorBoundary from './error-boundary'
// Polyfill Promise globally
// This is needed because Webpack2's dynamic loading(common chunks) code
// depends on Promise.
// So, we need to polyfill it.
// See: https://github.com/webpack/webpack/issues/4254
if (!window.Promise) {
window.Promise = Promise
const {
__NEXT_DATA__: {
} = window
// With dynamic assetPrefix it's no longer possible to set assetPrefix at the build time
// So, this is how we do it in the client side at runtime
__webpack_public_path__ = `${assetPrefix}/_next/webpack/` //eslint-disable-line
// Initialize next/asset with the assetPrefix
// Initialize next/config with the environment configuration
serverRuntimeConfig: {},
publicRuntimeConfig: runtimeConfig
const asPath = getURL()
const pageLoader = new PageLoader(buildId, assetPrefix)
window.__NEXT_LOADED_PAGES__.forEach(({ route, fn }) => {
pageLoader.registerPage(route, fn)
delete window.__NEXT_LOADED_PAGES__
window.__NEXT_LOADED_CHUNKS__.forEach(({ chunkName, fn }) => {
pageLoader.registerChunk(chunkName, fn)
delete window.__NEXT_LOADED_CHUNKS__
window.__NEXT_REGISTER_PAGE = pageLoader.registerPage.bind(pageLoader)
window.__NEXT_REGISTER_CHUNK = pageLoader.registerChunk.bind(pageLoader)
const headManager = new HeadManager()
const appContainer = document.getElementById('__next')
const errorContainer = document.getElementById('__next-error')
let lastAppProps
export let router
export let ErrorComponent
let DevErrorOverlay
let Component
let App
let stripAnsi = (s) => s
let applySourcemaps = (e) => e
export const emitter = new EventEmitter()
export default async ({
DevErrorOverlay: passedDevErrorOverlay,
stripAnsi: passedStripAnsi,
applySourcemaps: passedApplySourcemaps
} = {}) => {
// Wait for all the dynamic chunks to get loaded
for (const chunkName of chunks) {
await pageLoader.waitForChunk(chunkName)
stripAnsi = passedStripAnsi || stripAnsi
applySourcemaps = passedApplySourcemaps || applySourcemaps
DevErrorOverlay = passedDevErrorOverlay
ErrorComponent = await pageLoader.loadPage('/_error')
App = await pageLoader.loadPage('/_app')
let initialErr = err
try {
Component = await pageLoader.loadPage(page)
if (typeof Component !== 'function') {
throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"`)
} catch (error) {
// This catches errors like throwing in the top level of a module
initialErr = error
router = createRouter(pathname, query, asPath, {
initialProps: props,
err: initialErr
router.subscribe(({ App, Component, props, hash, err }) => {
render({ App, Component, props, err, hash, emitter })
const hash = location.hash.substring(1)
render({ App, Component, props, hash, err: initialErr, emitter })
return emitter
export async function render (props) {
if (props.err) {
await renderError(props)
try {
await doRender(props)
} catch (err) {
if (err.abort) return
await renderError({...props, err})
// This method handles all runtime and debug errors.
// 404 and 500 errors are special kind of errors
// and they are still handle via the main render method.
export async function renderError (props) {
const {App, err, errorInfo} = props
// In development we apply sourcemaps to the error
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
await applySourcemaps(err)
const str = stripAnsi(`${err.message}\n${err.stack}${errorInfo ? `\n\n${errorInfo.componentStack}` : ''}`)
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {
// We need to unmount the current app component because it's
// in the inconsistant state.
// Otherwise, we need to face issues when the issue is fixed and
// it's get notified via HMR
renderReactElement(<DevErrorOverlay error={err} />, errorContainer)
// In production we do a normal render with the `ErrorComponent` as component.
// If we've gotten here upon initial render, we can use the props from the server.
// Otherwise, we need to call `getInitialProps` on `App` before mounting.
const initProps = props.props
? props.props
: await loadGetInitialProps(App, {Component: ErrorComponent, router, ctx: {err, pathname, query, asPath}})
await doRender({...props, err, Component: ErrorComponent, props: initProps})
async function doRender ({ App, Component, props, hash, err, emitter: emitterProp = emitter }) {
// Usual getInitialProps fetching is handled in next/router
// this is for when ErrorComponent gets replaced by Component by HMR
if (!props && Component &&
Component !== ErrorComponent &&
lastAppProps.Component === ErrorComponent) {
const { pathname, query, asPath } = router
props = await loadGetInitialProps(App, {Component, router, ctx: {err, pathname, query, asPath}})
Component = Component || lastAppProps.Component
props = props || lastAppProps.props
const appProps = { Component, hash, err, router, headManager, ...props }
// lastAppProps has to be set before ReactDom.render to account for ReactDom throwing an error.
lastAppProps = appProps
emitterProp.emit('before-reactdom-render', { Component, ErrorComponent, appProps })
// We need to clear any existing runtime error messages
let onError = null
if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') {
onError = async (error, errorInfo) => {
try {
await renderError({App, err: error, errorInfo})
} catch (err) {
console.error('Error while rendering error page: ', err)
// In development we render a wrapper component that catches runtime errors.
<ErrorBoundary ErrorReporter={DevErrorOverlay} onError={onError}>
<App {...appProps} />
), appContainer)
emitterProp.emit('after-reactdom-render', { Component, ErrorComponent, appProps })
let isInitialRender = true
function renderReactElement (reactEl, domEl) {
// The check for `.hydrate` is there to support React alternatives like preact
if (isInitialRender && typeof ReactDOM.hydrate === 'function') {
ReactDOM.hydrate(reactEl, domEl)
isInitialRender = false
} else {
ReactDOM.render(reactEl, domEl)