Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/terribleplan/next.js.git synced 2024-01-19 02:48:18 +00:00
Tim Neutkens e179c98aa8
Revert "remove relative path to babel-runtime (#3119)" (#3547)
This reverts commit 8eb8034236.

# Conflicts:
#	server/build/webpack.js
2018-01-08 16:44:52 +01:00

439 lines
15 KiB

import { resolve, join, sep } from 'path'
import { createHash } from 'crypto'
import { realpathSync, existsSync } from 'fs'
import webpack from 'webpack'
import glob from 'glob-promise'
import WriteFilePlugin from 'write-file-webpack-plugin'
import FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin from 'friendly-errors-webpack-plugin'
import CaseSensitivePathPlugin from 'case-sensitive-paths-webpack-plugin'
import UglifyJSPlugin from 'uglifyjs-webpack-plugin'
import UnlinkFilePlugin from './plugins/unlink-file-plugin'
import PagesPlugin from './plugins/pages-plugin'
import DynamicChunksPlugin from './plugins/dynamic-chunks-plugin'
import CombineAssetsPlugin from './plugins/combine-assets-plugin'
import getConfig from '../config'
import * as babelCore from 'babel-core'
import findBabelConfig from './babel/find-config'
import rootModuleRelativePath from './root-module-relative-path'
const documentPage = join('pages', '_document.js')
const defaultPages = [
const nextPagesDir = join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'pages')
const nextNodeModulesDir = join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'node_modules')
const interpolateNames = new Map(defaultPages.map((p) => {
return [join(nextPagesDir, p), `dist/pages/${p}`]
const relativeResolve = rootModuleRelativePath(require)
async function getPages ({dir, dev, pagesGlobPattern}) {
let pages
if (dev) {
pages = await glob('pages/+(_document|_error).+(js|jsx)', { cwd: dir })
} else {
pages = await glob(pagesGlobPattern, { cwd: dir })
return pages
function getPageEntries (pages) {
const entries = {}
for (const p of pages) {
entries[join('bundles', p.replace('.jsx', '.js'))] = [`./${p}?entry`]
// The default pages (_document.js and _error.js) are only added when they're not provided by the user
for (const p of defaultPages) {
const entryName = join('bundles', 'pages', p)
if (!entries[entryName]) {
entries[entryName] = [join(nextPagesDir, p) + '?entry']
return entries
export default async function createCompiler (dir, { buildId, dev = false, quiet = false, buildDir, conf = null } = {}) {
// Resolve relative path to absolute path
dir = realpathSync(resolve(dir))
// Used to track the amount of pages for webpack commons chunk plugin
let totalPages
// Loads next.config.js and custom configuration provided in custom server initialization
const config = getConfig(dir, conf)
// Middlewares to handle on-demand entries and hot updates in development
const devEntries = dev ? [
join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client', 'webpack-hot-middleware-client'),
join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'client', 'on-demand-entries-client')
] : []
const mainJS = require.resolve(`../../client/next${dev ? '-dev' : ''}`) // Uses client/next-dev in development for code splitting dev dependencies
const entry = async () => {
// Get entries for pages in production mode. In development only _document and _error are added. Because pages are added by on-demand-entry-handler.
const pages = await getPages({dir, dev, pagesGlobPattern: config.pagesGlobPattern})
const pageEntries = getPageEntries(pages)
// Used for commons chunk calculations
totalPages = pages.length
if (pages.indexOf(documentPage) !== -1) {
totalPages = totalPages - 1
const entries = {
'main.js': [
...devEntries, // Adds hot middleware and ondemand entries in development
...config.clientBootstrap || [], // clientBootstrap can be used to load polyfills before code execution
mainJS // Main entrypoint in the client folder
return entries
const plugins = [
// Defines NODE_ENV as development/production. This is used by some npm modules to determine if they should optimize.
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(dev ? 'development' : 'production')
new CaseSensitivePathPlugin(), // Since on macOS the filesystem is case-insensitive this will make sure your path are case-sensitive
new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/(precomputed)/, /node_modules.+(elliptic)/),
// Provide legacy options to webpack
new webpack.LoaderOptionsPlugin({
options: {
context: dir,
customInterpolateName (url, name, opts) {
return interpolateNames.get(this.resourcePath) || url
// Writes all generated files to disk, even in development. For SSR.
new WriteFilePlugin({
exitOnErrors: false,
log: false,
// required not to cache removed files
useHashIndex: false
// Moves common modules into commons.js
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'commons',
filename: 'commons.js',
minChunks (module, count) {
// We need to move react-dom explicitly into common chunks.
// Otherwise, if some other page or module uses it, it might
// included in that bundle too.
if (dev && module.context && module.context.indexOf(`${sep}react${sep}`) >= 0) {
return true
if (dev && module.context && module.context.indexOf(`${sep}react-dom${sep}`) >= 0) {
return true
// In the dev we use on-demand-entries.
// So, it makes no sense to use commonChunks based on the minChunks count.
// Instead, we move all the code in node_modules into each of the pages.
if (dev) {
return false
// If there are one or two pages, only move modules to common if they are
// used in all of the pages. Otherwise, move modules used in at-least
// 1/2 of the total pages into commons.
if (totalPages <= 2) {
return count >= totalPages
return count >= totalPages * 0.5
// This chunk splits out react and react-dom in production to make sure it does not go through uglify. This saved multiple seconds on production builds.
// See https://twitter.com/dan_abramov/status/944040306420408325
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'react',
filename: 'react.js',
minChunks (module, count) {
if (dev) {
return false
if (module.resource && module.resource.includes(`${sep}react-dom${sep}`) && count >= 0) {
return true
if (module.resource && module.resource.includes(`${sep}react${sep}`) && count >= 0) {
return true
return false
// This chunk contains all the webpack related code. So, all the changes
// related to that happens to this chunk.
// It won't touch commons.js and that gives us much better re-build perf.
new webpack.optimize.CommonsChunkPlugin({
name: 'manifest',
filename: 'manifest.js'
// This adds Next.js route definitions to page bundles
new PagesPlugin(),
// Implements support for dynamic imports
new DynamicChunksPlugin()
if (dev) {
new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
new webpack.NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin(),
new UnlinkFilePlugin()
if (!quiet) {
plugins.push(new FriendlyErrorsWebpackPlugin())
} else {
plugins.push(new webpack.IgnorePlugin(/react-hot-loader/))
// Minifies javascript bundles
new UglifyJSPlugin({
exclude: /react\.js/,
parallel: true,
sourceMap: false,
uglifyOptions: {
compress: {
comparisons: false
// Combines manifest.js commons.js and main.js into app.js in production
new CombineAssetsPlugin({
input: ['manifest.js', 'react.js', 'commons.js', 'main.js'],
output: 'app.js'
// Implements scope hoisting which speeds up browser execution of javascript
plugins.push(new webpack.optimize.ModuleConcatenationPlugin())
const nodePathList = (process.env.NODE_PATH || '')
.split(process.platform === 'win32' ? ';' : ':')
.filter((p) => !!p)
const mainBabelOptions = {
cacheDirectory: true,
presets: []
const externalBabelConfig = findBabelConfig(dir)
if (externalBabelConfig) {
console.log(`> Using external babel configuration`)
console.log(`> Location: "${externalBabelConfig.loc}"`)
// It's possible to turn off babelrc support via babelrc itself.
// In that case, we should add our default preset.
// That's why we need to do this.
const { options } = externalBabelConfig
mainBabelOptions.babelrc = options.babelrc !== false
} else {
mainBabelOptions.babelrc = false
// Add our default preset if the no "babelrc" found.
if (!mainBabelOptions.babelrc) {
const devLoaders = dev ? [{
test: /\.(js|jsx)(\?[^?]*)?$/,
loader: 'hot-self-accept-loader',
include: [
join(dir, 'pages'),
}, {
test: /\.(js|jsx)(\?[^?]*)?$/,
loader: 'react-hot-loader/webpack',
exclude: /node_modules/
}] : []
const loaders = [{
test: /\.json$/,
loader: 'json-loader'
}, {
test: /\.(js|jsx|json)(\?[^?]*)?$/,
loader: 'emit-file-loader',
include: [dir, nextPagesDir],
exclude (str) {
return /node_modules/.test(str) && str.indexOf(nextPagesDir) !== 0
options: {
name: 'dist/[path][name].[ext]',
// We need to strip off .jsx on the server. Otherwise require without .jsx doesn't work.
interpolateName: (name) => name.replace('.jsx', '.js'),
validateFileName (file) {
const cases = [{from: '.js', to: '.jsx'}, {from: '.jsx', to: '.js'}]
for (const item of cases) {
const {from, to} = item
if (file.slice(-(from.length)) !== from) {
const filePath = file.slice(0, -(from.length)) + to
if (existsSync(filePath)) {
throw new Error(`Both ${from} and ${to} file found. Please make sure you only have one of both.`)
// By default, our babel config does not transpile ES2015 module syntax because
// webpack knows how to handle them. (That's how it can do tree-shaking)
// But Node.js doesn't know how to handle them. So, we have to transpile them here.
transform ({ content, sourceMap, interpolatedName }) {
// Only handle .js files
if (!(/\.(js|jsx)$/.test(interpolatedName))) {
return { content, sourceMap }
const transpiled = babelCore.transform(content, {
babelrc: false,
sourceMaps: dev ? 'both' : false,
// Here we need to resolve all modules to the absolute paths.
// Earlier we did it with the babel-preset.
// But since we don't transpile ES2015 in the preset this is not resolving.
// That's why we need to do it here.
// See more: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/951
plugins: [
require.resolve(join(__dirname, './babel/plugins/remove-dotjsx-from-import.js')),
alias: {
'babel-runtime': relativeResolve('babel-runtime/package'),
'next/link': relativeResolve('../../lib/link'),
'next/prefetch': relativeResolve('../../lib/prefetch'),
'next/css': relativeResolve('../../lib/css'),
'next/dynamic': relativeResolve('../../lib/dynamic'),
'next/head': relativeResolve('../../lib/head'),
'next/document': relativeResolve('../../server/document'),
'next/router': relativeResolve('../../lib/router'),
'next/error': relativeResolve('../../lib/error'),
'styled-jsx/style': relativeResolve('styled-jsx/style')
inputSourceMap: sourceMap
// Strip ?entry to map back to filesystem and work with iTerm, etc.
let { map } = transpiled
let output = transpiled.code
if (map) {
let nodeMap = Object.assign({}, map)
nodeMap.sources = nodeMap.sources.map((source) => source.replace(/\?entry/, ''))
delete nodeMap.sourcesContent
// Output explicit inline source map that source-map-support can pickup via requireHook mode.
// Since these are not formal chunks, the devtool infrastructure in webpack does not output
// a source map for these files.
const sourceMapUrl = new Buffer(JSON.stringify(nodeMap), 'utf-8').toString('base64')
output = `${output}\n//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,${sourceMapUrl}`
return {
content: output,
sourceMap: transpiled.map
}, {
loader: 'babel-loader',
include: nextPagesDir,
exclude (str) {
return /node_modules/.test(str) && str.indexOf(nextPagesDir) !== 0
options: {
babelrc: false,
cacheDirectory: true,
presets: [require.resolve('./babel/preset')]
}, {
test: /\.(js|jsx)(\?[^?]*)?$/,
loader: 'babel-loader',
include: [dir],
exclude (str) {
return /node_modules/.test(str)
options: mainBabelOptions
let webpackConfig = {
context: dir,
output: {
path: buildDir ? join(buildDir, '.next') : join(dir, config.distDir),
filename: '[name]',
libraryTarget: 'commonjs2',
publicPath: `/_next/webpack/`,
strictModuleExceptionHandling: true,
devtoolModuleFilenameTemplate ({ resourcePath }) {
const hash = createHash('sha1')
hash.update(Date.now() + '')
const id = hash.digest('hex').slice(0, 7)
// append hash id for cache busting
return `webpack:///${resourcePath}?${id}`
// This saves chunks with the name given via require.ensure()
chunkFilename: '[name]-[chunkhash].js'
resolve: {
alias: {
// This bypasses React's check for production mode. Since we know it is in production this way.
// This allows us to exclude React from being uglified. Saving multiple seconds per build.
'react-dom': dev ? 'react-dom/cjs/react-dom.development.js' : 'react-dom/cjs/react-dom.production.min.js'
extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json'],
modules: [
resolveLoader: {
modules: [
join(__dirname, 'loaders'),
module: {
rules: [
devtool: dev ? 'cheap-module-inline-source-map' : false,
performance: { hints: false }
if (config.webpack) {
console.log(`> Using "webpack" config function defined in ${config.configOrigin}.`)
webpackConfig = await config.webpack(webpackConfig, { buildId, dev })
return webpack(webpackConfig)