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synced 2024-01-19 02:48:18 +00:00
**This does not change existing behavior.** building to serverless is completely opt-in. - Implements `target: 'serverless'` in `next.config.js` - Removes `next build --lambdas` (was only available on next@canary so far) This implements the concept of build targets. Currently there will be 2 build targets: - server (This is the target that already existed / the default, no changes here) - serverless (New target aimed at compiling pages to serverless handlers) The serverless target will output a single file per `page` in the `pages` directory: - `pages/index.js` => `.next/serverless/index.js` - `pages/about.js` => `.next/serverless/about.js` So what is inside `.next/serverless/about.js`? All the code needed to render that specific page. It has the Node.js `http.Server` request handler function signature: ```ts (req: http.IncomingMessage, res: http.ServerResponse) => void ``` So how do you use it? Generally you **don't** want to use the below example, but for illustration purposes it's shown how the handler is called using a plain `http.Server`: ```js const http = require('http') // Note that `.default` is needed because the exported module is an esmodule const handler = require('./.next/serverless/about.js').default const server = new http.Server((req, res) => handler(req, res)) server.listen(3000, () => console.log('Listening on http://localhost:3000')) ``` Generally you'll upload this handler function to an external service like [Now v2](https://zeit.co/now-2), the `@now/next` builder will be updated to reflect these changes. This means that it'll be no longer neccesary for `@now/next` to do some of the guesswork in creating smaller handler functions. As Next.js will output the smallest possible serverless handler function automatically. The function has 0 dependencies so no node_modules are required to run it, and is generally very small. 45Kb zipped is the baseline, but I'm sure we can make it even smaller in the future. One important thing to note is that the function won't try to load `next.config.js`, so `publicRuntimeConfig` / `serverRuntimeConfig` are not supported. Reasons are outlined here: #5846 So to summarize: - every page becomes a serverless function - the serverless function has 0 dependencies (they're all inlined) - "just" uses the `req` and `res` coming from Node.js - opt-in using `target: 'serverless'` in `next.config.js` - Does not load next.config.js when executing the function TODO: - [x] Compile next/dynamic / `import()` into the function file, so that no extra files have to be uploaded. - [x] Setting `assetPrefix` at build time for serverless target - [x] Support custom /_app - [x] Support custom /_document - [x] Support custom /_error - [x] Add `next.config.js` property for `target` Need discussion: - [ ] Since the serverless target won't support `publicRuntimeConfig` / `serverRuntimeConfig` as they're runtime values. I think we should support build-time env var replacement with webpack.DefinePlugin or similar. - [ ] Serving static files with the correct cache-control, as there is no static file serving in the serverless target
369 lines
11 KiB
369 lines
11 KiB
import DynamicEntryPlugin from 'webpack/lib/DynamicEntryPlugin'
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { join } from 'path'
import fs from 'fs'
import promisify from '../lib/promisify'
import globModule from 'glob'
import {pageNotFoundError} from 'next-server/dist/server/require'
import {normalizePagePath} from 'next-server/dist/server/normalize-page-path'
import {createEntry} from '../build/webpack/utils'
import { ROUTE_NAME_REGEX, IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX } from 'next-server/constants'
const ADDED = Symbol('added')
const BUILDING = Symbol('building')
const BUILT = Symbol('built')
const glob = promisify(globModule)
const access = promisify(fs.access)
// Based on https://github.com/webpack/webpack/blob/master/lib/DynamicEntryPlugin.js#L29-L37
function addEntry (compilation, context, name, entry) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const dep = DynamicEntryPlugin.createDependency(entry, name)
compilation.addEntry(context, dep, name, (err) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
export default function onDemandEntryHandler (devMiddleware, multiCompiler, {
maxInactiveAge = 1000 * 60,
pagesBufferLength = 2,
}) {
const {compilers} = multiCompiler
const invalidator = new Invalidator(devMiddleware, multiCompiler)
let entries = {}
let lastAccessPages = ['']
let doneCallbacks = new EventEmitter()
let reloading = false
let stopped = false
let reloadCallbacks = new EventEmitter()
for (const compiler of compilers) {
compiler.hooks.make.tapPromise('NextJsOnDemandEntries', (compilation) => {
const allEntries = Object.keys(entries).map(async (page) => {
const { name, entry } = entries[page]
const files = Array.isArray(entry) ? entry : [entry]
// Is just one item. But it's passed as an array.
for (const file of files) {
try {
await access(join(dir, file), (fs.constants || fs).W_OK)
} catch (err) {
console.warn('Page was removed', page)
delete entries[page]
entries[page].status = BUILDING
return addEntry(compilation, compiler.context, name, entry)
return Promise.all(allEntries)
multiCompiler.hooks.done.tap('NextJsOnDemandEntries', (multiStats) => {
const clientStats = multiStats.stats[0]
const { compilation } = clientStats
const hardFailedPages = compilation.errors
.filter(e => {
// Make sure to only pick errors which marked with missing modules
const hasNoModuleFoundError = /ENOENT/.test(e.message) || /Module not found/.test(e.message)
if (!hasNoModuleFoundError) return false
// The page itself is missing. So this is a failed page.
if (IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test(e.module.name)) return true
// No dependencies means this is a top level page.
// So this is a failed page.
return e.module.dependencies.length === 0
.map(e => e.module.chunks)
.reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], [])
.map(c => {
const pageName = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(c.name)[1]
return normalizePage(`/${pageName}`)
// compilation.entrypoints is a Map object, so iterating over it 0 is the key and 1 is the value
for (const [, entrypoint] of compilation.entrypoints.entries()) {
const result = ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(entrypoint.name)
if (!result) {
const pagePath = result[1]
if (!pagePath) {
const page = normalizePage('/' + pagePath)
const entry = entries[page]
if (!entry) {
if (entry.status !== BUILDING) {
entry.status = BUILT
entry.lastActiveTime = Date.now()
if (hardFailedPages.length > 0 && !reloading) {
console.log(`> Reloading webpack due to inconsistant state of pages(s): ${hardFailedPages.join(', ')}`)
reloading = true
.then(() => {
console.log('> Webpack reloaded.')
.catch(err => {
console.error(`> Webpack reloading failed: ${err.message}`)
const disposeHandler = setInterval(function () {
if (stopped) return
disposeInactiveEntries(devMiddleware, entries, lastAccessPages, maxInactiveAge)
}, 5000)
function stop () {
stopped = true
doneCallbacks = null
reloadCallbacks = null
return {
waitUntilReloaded () {
if (!reloading) return Promise.resolve(true)
return new Promise((resolve) => {
reloadCallbacks.once('done', function () {
async ensurePage (page) {
await this.waitUntilReloaded()
page = normalizePage(page)
let normalizedPagePath
try {
normalizedPagePath = normalizePagePath(page)
} catch (err) {
throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath)
const extensions = pageExtensions.join('|')
const paths = await glob(`pages/{${normalizedPagePath}/index,${normalizedPagePath}}.+(${extensions})`, {cwd: dir})
if (paths.length === 0) {
throw pageNotFoundError(normalizedPagePath)
const relativePathToPage = paths[0]
const pathname = join(dir, relativePathToPage)
const {name, files} = createEntry(relativePathToPage, {buildId, pageExtensions: extensions})
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const entryInfo = entries[page]
if (entryInfo) {
if (entryInfo.status === BUILT) {
if (entryInfo.status === BUILDING) {
doneCallbacks.once(page, handleCallback)
console.log(`> Building page: ${page}`)
entries[page] = { name, entry: files, pathname, status: ADDED }
doneCallbacks.once(page, handleCallback)
function handleCallback (err) {
if (err) return reject(err)
wsConnection (ws) {
ws.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
const page = normalizePage(data)
const entryInfo = entries[page]
// If there's no entry.
// Then it seems like an weird issue.
if (!entryInfo) {
const message = `Client pings, but there's no entry for page: ${page}`
return sendJson(ws, { invalid: true })
sendJson(ws, { success: true })
// We don't need to maintain active state of anything other than BUILT entries
if (entryInfo.status !== BUILT) return
// If there's an entryInfo
if (!lastAccessPages.includes(page)) {
// Maintain the buffer max length
if (lastAccessPages.length > pagesBufferLength) {
entryInfo.lastActiveTime = Date.now()
middleware () {
return (req, res, next) => {
if (stopped) {
// If this handler is stopped, we need to reload the user's browser.
// So the user could connect to the actually running handler.
res.statusCode = 302
res.setHeader('Location', req.url)
} else if (reloading) {
// Webpack config is reloading. So, we need to wait until it's done and
// reload user's browser.
// So the user could connect to the new handler and webpack setup.
.then(() => {
res.statusCode = 302
res.setHeader('Location', req.url)
} else {
if (!/^\/_next\/on-demand-entries-ping/.test(req.url)) return next()
res.statusCode = 200
res.setHeader('port', wsPort)
function disposeInactiveEntries (devMiddleware, entries, lastAccessPages, maxInactiveAge) {
const disposingPages = []
Object.keys(entries).forEach((page) => {
const { lastActiveTime, status } = entries[page]
// This means this entry is currently building or just added
// We don't need to dispose those entries.
if (status !== BUILT) return
// We should not build the last accessed page even we didn't get any pings
// Sometimes, it's possible our XHR ping to wait before completing other requests.
// In that case, we should not dispose the current viewing page
if (lastAccessPages.includes(page)) return
if (Date.now() - lastActiveTime > maxInactiveAge) {
if (disposingPages.length > 0) {
disposingPages.forEach((page) => {
delete entries[page]
console.log(`> Disposing inactive page(s): ${disposingPages.join(', ')}`)
// /index and / is the same. So, we need to identify both pages as the same.
// This also applies to sub pages as well.
export function normalizePage (page) {
const unixPagePath = page.replace(/\\/g, '/')
if (unixPagePath === '/index' || unixPagePath === '/') {
return '/'
return unixPagePath.replace(/\/index$/, '')
function sendJson (ws, data) {
// Make sure only one invalidation happens at a time
// Otherwise, webpack hash gets changed and it'll force the client to reload.
class Invalidator {
constructor (devMiddleware, multiCompiler) {
this.multiCompiler = multiCompiler
this.devMiddleware = devMiddleware
// contains an array of types of compilers currently building
this.building = false
this.rebuildAgain = false
invalidate () {
// If there's a current build is processing, we won't abort it by invalidating.
// (If aborted, it'll cause a client side hard reload)
// But let it to invalidate just after the completion.
// So, it can re-build the queued pages at once.
if (this.building) {
this.rebuildAgain = true
this.building = true
// Work around a bug in webpack, calling `invalidate` on Watching.js
// doesn't trigger the invalid call used to keep track of the `.done` hook on multiCompiler
for (const compiler of this.multiCompiler.compilers) {
startBuilding () {
this.building = true
doneBuilding () {
this.building = false
if (this.rebuildAgain) {
this.rebuildAgain = false