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synced 2024-01-19 02:48:18 +00:00
![Tim Neutkens](/assets/img/avatar_default.png)
Followup to removing the /_error in the initial markup we can now compile it using on-demand-entries only when it's needed.
423 lines
13 KiB
423 lines
13 KiB
import { join, normalize } from 'path'
import WebpackDevMiddleware from 'webpack-dev-middleware'
import WebpackHotMiddleware from 'webpack-hot-middleware'
import errorOverlayMiddleware from './lib/error-overlay-middleware'
import del from 'del'
import onDemandEntryHandler, {normalizePage} from './on-demand-entry-handler'
import webpack from 'webpack'
import WebSocket from 'ws'
import getBaseWebpackConfig from '../build/webpack-config'
import {IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX, ROUTE_NAME_REGEX, BLOCKED_PAGES} from 'next-server/constants'
import {route} from 'next-server/dist/server/router'
import globModule from 'glob'
import {promisify} from 'util'
import {createPagesMapping, createEntrypoints} from '../build/entries'
const glob = promisify(globModule)
export async function renderScriptError (res, error) {
// Asks CDNs and others to not to cache the errored page
res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-cache, no-store, max-age=0, must-revalidate')
if (error.code === 'ENOENT' || error.message === 'INVALID_BUILD_ID') {
res.statusCode = 404
res.end('404 - Not Found')
res.statusCode = 500
res.end('500 - Internal Error')
function addCorsSupport (req, res) {
if (!req.headers.origin) {
return { preflight: false }
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', req.headers.origin)
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'OPTIONS, GET')
// Based on https://github.com/primus/access-control/blob/4cf1bc0e54b086c91e6aa44fb14966fa5ef7549c/index.js#L158
if (req.headers['access-control-request-headers']) {
res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', req.headers['access-control-request-headers'])
if (req.method === 'OPTIONS') {
return { preflight: true }
return { preflight: false }
const matchNextPageBundleRequest = route('/_next/static/:buildId/pages/:path*.js(.map)?')
// Recursively look up the issuer till it ends up at the root
function findEntryModule (issuer) {
if (issuer.issuer) {
return findEntryModule(issuer.issuer)
return issuer
function erroredPages (compilation, options = {enhanceName: (name) => name}) {
const failedPages = {}
for (const error of compilation.errors) {
const entryModule = findEntryModule(error.origin)
const {name} = entryModule
if (!name) {
// Only pages have to be reloaded
if (!IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test(name)) {
const enhancedName = options.enhanceName(name)
if (!failedPages[enhancedName]) {
failedPages[enhancedName] = []
return failedPages
export default class HotReloader {
constructor (dir, { config, buildId } = {}) {
this.buildId = buildId
this.dir = dir
this.middlewares = []
this.webpackDevMiddleware = null
this.webpackHotMiddleware = null
this.initialized = false
this.stats = null
this.serverPrevDocumentHash = null
this.config = config
async run (req, res, parsedUrl) {
// Usually CORS support is not needed for the hot-reloader (this is dev only feature)
// With when the app runs for multi-zones support behind a proxy,
// the current page is trying to access this URL via assetPrefix.
// That's when the CORS support is needed.
const { preflight } = addCorsSupport(req, res)
if (preflight) {
// When a request comes in that is a page bundle, e.g. /_next/static/<buildid>/pages/index.js
// we have to compile the page using on-demand-entries, this middleware will handle doing that
// by adding the page to on-demand-entries, waiting till it's done
// and then the bundle will be served like usual by the actual route in server/index.js
const handlePageBundleRequest = async (res, parsedUrl) => {
const {pathname} = parsedUrl
const params = matchNextPageBundleRequest(pathname)
if (!params) {
return {}
if (params.buildId !== this.buildId) {
const page = `/${params.path.join('/')}`
if (page === '/_error' || BLOCKED_PAGES.indexOf(page) === -1) {
try {
await this.ensurePage(page)
} catch (error) {
await renderScriptError(res, error)
return {finished: true}
const errors = await this.getCompilationErrors(page)
if (errors.length > 0) {
await renderScriptError(res, errors[0])
return {finished: true}
return {}
const {finished} = await handlePageBundleRequest(res, parsedUrl)
for (const fn of this.middlewares) {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
fn(req, res, (err) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
return {finished}
async clean () {
return del(join(this.dir, this.config.distDir), { force: true })
addWsConfig (configs) {
const { websocketProxyPath, websocketProxyPort } = this.config.onDemandEntries
const opts = {
'process.env.NEXT_WS_PORT': websocketProxyPort || this.wsPort,
'process.env.NEXT_WS_PROXY_PATH': JSON.stringify(websocketProxyPath)
configs[0].plugins.push(new webpack.DefinePlugin(opts))
async getWebpackConfig () {
const pagePaths = await glob(`+(_app|_document).+(${this.config.pageExtensions.join('|')})`, {cwd: join(this.dir, 'pages')})
const pages = createPagesMapping(pagePaths, this.config.pageExtensions)
const entrypoints = createEntrypoints(pages, 'server', this.buildId, this.config)
return Promise.all([
getBaseWebpackConfig(this.dir, { dev: true, isServer: false, config: this.config, buildId: this.buildId, entrypoints: entrypoints.client }),
getBaseWebpackConfig(this.dir, { dev: true, isServer: true, config: this.config, buildId: this.buildId, entrypoints: entrypoints.server })
async start () {
await this.clean()
this.wsPort = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const { websocketPort } = this.config.onDemandEntries
// create on-demand-entries WebSocket
this.wss = new WebSocket.Server({ port: websocketPort }, function (err) {
if (err) {
return reject(err)
const {port} = this.address()
if (!port) {
return reject(new Error('No websocket port could be detected'))
const configs = await this.getWebpackConfig()
const multiCompiler = webpack(configs)
const buildTools = await this.prepareBuildTools(multiCompiler)
this.stats = (await this.waitUntilValid()).stats[0]
async stop (webpackDevMiddleware) {
const middleware = webpackDevMiddleware || this.webpackDevMiddleware
if (middleware) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
middleware.close((err) => {
if (err) return reject(err)
async reload () {
this.stats = null
await this.clean()
const configs = await this.getWebpackConfig()
const compiler = webpack(configs)
const buildTools = await this.prepareBuildTools(compiler)
this.stats = await this.waitUntilValid(buildTools.webpackDevMiddleware)
const oldWebpackDevMiddleware = this.webpackDevMiddleware
await this.stop(oldWebpackDevMiddleware)
assignBuildTools ({ webpackDevMiddleware, webpackHotMiddleware, onDemandEntries }) {
this.webpackDevMiddleware = webpackDevMiddleware
this.webpackHotMiddleware = webpackHotMiddleware
this.onDemandEntries = onDemandEntries
this.wss.on('connection', this.onDemandEntries.wsConnection)
this.middlewares = [
async prepareBuildTools (multiCompiler) {
// This plugin watches for changes to _document.js and notifies the client side that it should reload the page
multiCompiler.compilers[1].hooks.done.tap('NextjsHotReloaderForServer', (stats) => {
if (!this.initialized) {
const {compilation} = stats
// We only watch `_document` for changes on the server compilation
// the rest of the files will be triggered by the client compilation
const documentChunk = compilation.chunks.find(c => c.name === normalize(`static/${this.buildId}/pages/_document.js`))
// If the document chunk can't be found we do nothing
if (!documentChunk) {
console.warn('_document.js chunk not found')
// Initial value
if (this.serverPrevDocumentHash === null) {
this.serverPrevDocumentHash = documentChunk.hash
// If _document.js didn't change we don't trigger a reload
if (documentChunk.hash === this.serverPrevDocumentHash) {
// Notify reload to reload the page, as _document.js was changed (different hash)
this.serverPrevDocumentHash = documentChunk.hash
multiCompiler.compilers[0].hooks.done.tap('NextjsHotReloaderForClient', (stats) => {
const { compilation } = stats
const chunkNames = new Set(
.map((c) => c.name)
.filter(name => IS_BUNDLED_PAGE_REGEX.test(name))
if (this.initialized) {
// detect chunks which have to be replaced with a new template
// e.g, pages/index.js <-> pages/_error.js
const addedPages = diff(chunkNames, this.prevChunkNames)
const removedPages = diff(this.prevChunkNames, chunkNames)
if (addedPages.size > 0) {
for (const addedPage of addedPages) {
let page = '/' + ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(addedPage)[1].replace(/\\/g, '/')
page = page === '/index' ? '/' : page
this.send('addedPage', page)
if (removedPages.size > 0) {
for (const removedPage of removedPages) {
let page = '/' + ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(removedPage)[1].replace(/\\/g, '/')
page = page === '/index' ? '/' : page
this.send('removedPage', page)
this.initialized = true
this.stats = stats
this.prevChunkNames = chunkNames
// We don’t watch .git/ .next/ and node_modules for changes
const ignored = [
let webpackDevMiddlewareConfig = {
publicPath: `/_next/static/webpack`,
noInfo: true,
logLevel: 'silent',
watchOptions: { ignored },
writeToDisk: true
if (this.config.webpackDevMiddleware) {
console.log(`> Using "webpackDevMiddleware" config function defined in ${this.config.configOrigin}.`)
webpackDevMiddlewareConfig = this.config.webpackDevMiddleware(webpackDevMiddlewareConfig)
const webpackDevMiddleware = WebpackDevMiddleware(multiCompiler, webpackDevMiddlewareConfig)
const webpackHotMiddleware = WebpackHotMiddleware(multiCompiler.compilers[0], {
path: '/_next/webpack-hmr',
log: false,
heartbeat: 2500
const onDemandEntries = onDemandEntryHandler(webpackDevMiddleware, multiCompiler, {
dir: this.dir,
buildId: this.buildId,
reload: this.reload.bind(this),
pageExtensions: this.config.pageExtensions,
wsPort: this.wsPort,
return {
waitUntilValid (webpackDevMiddleware) {
const middleware = webpackDevMiddleware || this.webpackDevMiddleware
return new Promise((resolve) => {
async getCompilationErrors (page) {
const normalizedPage = normalizePage(page)
// When we are reloading, we need to wait until it's reloaded properly.
await this.onDemandEntries.waitUntilReloaded()
if (this.stats.hasErrors()) {
const {compilation} = this.stats
const failedPages = erroredPages(compilation, {
enhanceName (name) {
return '/' + ROUTE_NAME_REGEX.exec(name)[1]
// If there is an error related to the requesting page we display it instead of the first error
if (failedPages[normalizedPage] && failedPages[normalizedPage].length > 0) {
return failedPages[normalizedPage]
// If none were found we still have to show the other errors
return this.stats.compilation.errors
return []
send (action, ...args) {
this.webpackHotMiddleware.publish({ action, data: args })
async ensurePage (page) {
// Make sure we don't re-build or dispose prebuilt pages
if (page !== '/_error' && BLOCKED_PAGES.indexOf(page) !== -1) {
await this.onDemandEntries.ensurePage(page)
function diff (a, b) {
return new Set([...a].filter((v) => !b.has(v)))