Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/terribleplan/next.js.git synced 2024-01-19 02:48:18 +00:00
Tim Neutkens 17e410a1d0
Fix Typescript HMR (#4689)
Fixes #4686

Adds tests for @zeit/next-typescript so that we don't regress on this again.

I've fixed an issue in the `next` CLI too which caused lingering processes when the process gets force killed, which is what we do in the test suite, so it kept running if there was no manual quit.
2018-06-28 20:07:41 +02:00

186 lines
4.4 KiB

import fetch from 'node-fetch'
import qs from 'querystring'
import http from 'http'
import express from 'express'
import path from 'path'
import getPort from 'get-port'
import { spawn } from 'child_process'
import { readFileSync, writeFileSync, existsSync, unlinkSync } from 'fs'
import fkill from 'fkill'
import server from '../../dist/server/next'
import build from '../../dist/build'
import _export from '../../dist/server/export'
import _pkg from '../../package.json'
export const nextServer = server
export const nextBuild = build
export const nextExport = _export
export const pkg = _pkg
export function initNextServerScript (scriptPath, successRegexp, env) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const instance = spawn('node', [scriptPath], { env })
function handleStdout (data) {
const message = data.toString()
if (successRegexp.test(message)) {
function handleStderr (data) {
instance.stdout.on('data', handleStdout)
instance.stderr.on('data', handleStderr)
instance.on('close', () => {
instance.stdout.removeListener('data', handleStdout)
instance.stderr.removeListener('data', handleStderr)
instance.on('error', (err) => {
export function renderViaAPI (app, pathname, query) {
const url = `${pathname}${query ? `?${qs.stringify(query)}` : ''}`
return app.renderToHTML({ url }, {}, pathname, query)
export function renderViaHTTP (appPort, pathname, query) {
return fetchViaHTTP(appPort, pathname, query).then((res) => res.text())
export function fetchViaHTTP (appPort, pathname, query) {
const url = `http://localhost:${appPort}${pathname}${query ? `?${qs.stringify(query)}` : ''}`
return fetch(url)
export function findPort () {
return getPort()
// Launch the app in dev mode.
export function launchApp (dir, port) {
const cwd = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const instance = spawn('node', ['dist/bin/next', dir, '-p', port], { cwd })
function handleStdout (data) {
const message = data.toString()
if (/> Ready on/.test(message)) {
function handleStderr (data) {
instance.stdout.on('data', handleStdout)
instance.stderr.on('data', handleStderr)
instance.on('close', () => {
instance.stdout.removeListener('data', handleStdout)
instance.stderr.removeListener('data', handleStderr)
instance.on('error', (err) => {
// Kill a launched app
export async function killApp (instance) {
await fkill(instance.pid)
export async function startApp (app) {
await app.prepare()
const handler = app.getRequestHandler()
const server = http.createServer(handler)
server.__app = app
await promiseCall(server, 'listen')
return server
export async function stopApp (server) {
if (server.__app) {
await server.__app.close()
await promiseCall(server, 'close')
function promiseCall (obj, method, ...args) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const newArgs = [
function (err, res) {
if (err) return reject(err)
export function waitFor (millis) {
return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, millis))
export async function startStaticServer (dir) {
const app = express()
const server = http.createServer(app)
await promiseCall(server, 'listen')
return server
export async function check (contentFn, regex) {
while (true) {
try {
const newContent = await contentFn()
if (regex.test(newContent)) break
await waitFor(1000)
} catch (ex) {}
export class File {
constructor (path) {
this.path = path
this.originalContent = existsSync(this.path) ? readFileSync(this.path, 'utf8') : null
write (content) {
if (!this.originalContent) {
this.originalContent = content
writeFileSync(this.path, content, 'utf8')
replace (pattern, newValue) {
const newContent = this.originalContent.replace(pattern, newValue)
delete () {
restore () {