/* global __NEXT_DATA__ */ import { parse, format } from 'url' import EventEmitter from '../EventEmitter' import shallowEquals from '../shallow-equals' import PQueue from '../p-queue' import { loadGetInitialProps, getURL, warn, execOnce } from '../utils' import { _rewriteUrlForNextExport } from './' const historyUnavailableWarning = execOnce(() => { warn(`Warning: window.history is not available.`) }) const historyMethodWarning = execOnce((method) => { warn(`Warning: window.history.${method} is not available`) }) export default class Router { static events = new EventEmitter() constructor (pathname, query, as, { initialProps, pageLoader, App, Component, ErrorComponent, err } = {}) { // represents the current component key this.route = toRoute(pathname) // set up the component cache (by route keys) this.components = {} // We should not keep the cache, if there's an error // Otherwise, this cause issues when when going back and // come again to the errored page. if (Component !== ErrorComponent) { this.components[this.route] = { Component, props: initialProps, err } } this.components['/_app'] = { Component: App } // Backwards compat for Router.router.events // TODO: Should be remove the following major version as it was never documented this.events = Router.events this.pageLoader = pageLoader this.prefetchQueue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 2 }) this.ErrorComponent = ErrorComponent this.pathname = pathname this.query = query this.asPath = as this.subscriptions = new Set() this.componentLoadCancel = null this.onPopState = this.onPopState.bind(this) this._beforePopState = () => true if (typeof window !== 'undefined') { // in order for `e.state` to work on the `onpopstate` event // we have to register the initial route upon initialization this.changeState('replaceState', format({ pathname, query }), getURL()) window.addEventListener('popstate', this.onPopState) } } onPopState (e) { if (!e.state) { // We get state as undefined for two reasons. // 1. With older safari (< 8) and older chrome (< 34) // 2. When the URL changed with # // // In the both cases, we don't need to proceed and change the route. // (as it's already changed) // But we can simply replace the state with the new changes. // Actually, for (1) we don't need to nothing. But it's hard to detect that event. // So, doing the following for (1) does no harm. const { pathname, query } = this this.changeState('replaceState', format({ pathname, query }), getURL()) return } // If the downstream application returns falsy, return. // They will then be responsible for handling the event. if (!this._beforePopState(e.state)) { return } const { url, as, options } = e.state this.replace(url, as, options) } update (route, Component) { const data = this.components[route] if (!data) { throw new Error(`Cannot update unavailable route: ${route}`) } const newData = { ...data, Component } this.components[route] = newData // pages/_app.js updated if (route === '/_app') { this.notify(this.components[this.route]) return } if (route === this.route) { this.notify(newData) } } async reload (route) { delete this.components[route] this.pageLoader.clearCache(route) if (route !== this.route) return const { pathname, query } = this const url = window.location.href // This makes sure we only use pathname + query + hash, to mirror `asPath` coming from the server. const as = window.location.pathname + window.location.search + window.location.hash Router.events.emit('routeChangeStart', url) const routeInfo = await this.getRouteInfo(route, pathname, query, as) const { error } = routeInfo if (error && error.cancelled) { return } this.notify(routeInfo) if (error) { Router.events.emit('routeChangeError', error, url) throw error } Router.events.emit('routeChangeComplete', url) } back () { window.history.back() } push (url, as = url, options = {}) { return this.change('pushState', url, as, options) } replace (url, as = url, options = {}) { return this.change('replaceState', url, as, options) } async change (method, _url, _as, options) { // If url and as provided as an object representation, // we'll format them into the string version here. const url = typeof _url === 'object' ? format(_url) : _url let as = typeof _as === 'object' ? format(_as) : _as // Add the ending slash to the paths. So, we can serve the // "/index.html" directly for the SSR page. if (__NEXT_DATA__.nextExport) { as = _rewriteUrlForNextExport(as) } this.abortComponentLoad(as) // If the url change is only related to a hash change // We should not proceed. We should only change the state. if (this.onlyAHashChange(as)) { Router.events.emit('hashChangeStart', as) this.changeState(method, url, as) this.scrollToHash(as) Router.events.emit('hashChangeComplete', as) return true } const { pathname, query } = parse(url, true) // If asked to change the current URL we should reload the current page // (not location.reload() but reload getInitalProps and other Next.js stuffs) // We also need to set the method = replaceState always // as this should not go into the history (That's how browsers work) if (!this.urlIsNew(pathname, query)) { method = 'replaceState' } const route = toRoute(pathname) const { shallow = false } = options let routeInfo = null Router.events.emit('routeChangeStart', as) // If shallow === false and other conditions met, we reuse the // existing routeInfo for this route. // Because of this, getInitialProps would not run. if (shallow && this.isShallowRoutingPossible(route)) { routeInfo = this.components[route] } else { routeInfo = await this.getRouteInfo(route, pathname, query, as) } const { error } = routeInfo if (error && error.cancelled) { return false } Router.events.emit('beforeHistoryChange', as) this.changeState(method, url, as, options) const hash = window.location.hash.substring(1) this.set(route, pathname, query, as, { ...routeInfo, hash }) if (error) { Router.events.emit('routeChangeError', error, as) throw error } Router.events.emit('routeChangeComplete', as) return true } changeState (method, url, as, options = {}) { if (typeof window.history === 'undefined') { historyUnavailableWarning() return } if (typeof window.history[method] === 'undefined') { historyMethodWarning(method) return } if (method !== 'pushState' || getURL() !== as) { window.history[method]({ url, as, options }, null, as) } } async getRouteInfo (route, pathname, query, as) { let routeInfo = null try { routeInfo = this.components[route] if (!routeInfo) { routeInfo = { Component: await this.fetchComponent(route, as) } } const { Component } = routeInfo if (typeof Component !== 'function') { throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"`) } const ctx = { pathname, query, asPath: as } routeInfo.props = await this.getInitialProps(Component, ctx) this.components[route] = routeInfo } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'PAGE_LOAD_ERROR') { // If we can't load the page it could be one of following reasons // 1. Page doesn't exists // 2. Page does exist in a different zone // 3. Internal error while loading the page // So, doing a hard reload is the proper way to deal with this. window.location.href = as // Changing the URL doesn't block executing the current code path. // So, we need to mark it as a cancelled error and stop the routing logic. err.cancelled = true return { error: err } } if (err.cancelled) { return { error: err } } const Component = this.ErrorComponent routeInfo = { Component, err } const ctx = { err, pathname, query } try { routeInfo.props = await this.getInitialProps(Component, ctx) } catch (err) { console.error('Error in error page `getInitialProps`: ', err) routeInfo.props = {} } routeInfo.error = err } return routeInfo } set (route, pathname, query, as, data) { this.route = route this.pathname = pathname this.query = query this.asPath = as this.notify(data) } beforePopState (cb) { this._beforePopState = cb } onlyAHashChange (as) { if (!this.asPath) return false const [ oldUrlNoHash, oldHash ] = this.asPath.split('#') const [ newUrlNoHash, newHash ] = as.split('#') // Makes sure we scroll to the provided hash if the url/hash are the same if (newHash && (oldUrlNoHash === newUrlNoHash) && (oldHash === newHash)) { return true } // If the urls are change, there's more than a hash change if (oldUrlNoHash !== newUrlNoHash) { return false } // If the hash has changed, then it's a hash only change. // This check is necessary to handle both the enter and // leave hash === '' cases. The identity case falls through // and is treated as a next reload. return oldHash !== newHash } scrollToHash (as) { const [ , hash ] = as.split('#') // Scroll to top if the hash is just `#` with no value if (hash === '') { window.scrollTo(0, 0) return } const el = document.getElementById(hash) if (el) { el.scrollIntoView() } } urlIsNew (pathname, query) { return this.pathname !== pathname || !shallowEquals(query, this.query) } isShallowRoutingPossible (route) { return ( // If there's cached routeInfo for the route. Boolean(this.components[route]) && // If the route is already rendered on the screen. this.route === route ) } async prefetch (url) { // We don't add support for prefetch in the development mode. // If we do that, our on-demand-entries optimization won't performs better if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') return const { pathname } = parse(url) const route = toRoute(pathname) return this.prefetchQueue.add(() => this.fetchRoute(route)) } async fetchComponent (route, as) { let cancelled = false const cancel = this.componentLoadCancel = function () { cancelled = true } const Component = await this.fetchRoute(route) if (cancelled) { const error = new Error(`Abort fetching component for route: "${route}"`) error.cancelled = true throw error } if (cancel === this.componentLoadCancel) { this.componentLoadCancel = null } return Component } async getInitialProps (Component, ctx) { let cancelled = false const cancel = () => { cancelled = true } this.componentLoadCancel = cancel const {Component: App} = this.components['/_app'] const props = await loadGetInitialProps(App, {Component, router: this, ctx}) if (cancel === this.componentLoadCancel) { this.componentLoadCancel = null } if (cancelled) { const err = new Error('Loading initial props cancelled') err.cancelled = true throw err } return props } async fetchRoute (route) { return this.pageLoader.loadPage(route) } abortComponentLoad (as) { if (this.componentLoadCancel) { Router.events.emit('routeChangeError', new Error('Route Cancelled'), as) this.componentLoadCancel() this.componentLoadCancel = null } } notify (data) { const {Component: App} = this.components['/_app'] this.subscriptions.forEach((fn) => fn({...data, App})) } subscribe (fn) { this.subscriptions.add(fn) return () => this.subscriptions.delete(fn) } } function toRoute (path) { return path.replace(/\/$/, '') || '/' }