/* eslint-env jest */ /* * Individual component testing is pretty simple * just provide your dependencies as props * and add `.dive()` step to your shallow render, * as with any High Order Component. * * Remarks about `.html()` may apply, * depending if any of the children components * expect anything from the context */ import { shallow } from 'enzyme' import React from 'react' import renderer from 'react-test-renderer' import Component from '../components/endpoint.js' describe('With Enzyme', () => { it('Component renders with props', () => { // no need to mock Link component much for shallow rendering const injected = shallow( {}} />) const component = injected.dive() expect(component.find('h3').text()).toEqual('Endpoint') expect(component.find('Link').first().find('a').text()).toEqual('About: foo baz') }) }) describe('With Snapshot Testing', () => { it('Blog renders components', () => { const component = renderer.create(
} />) const tree = component.toJSON() expect(tree).toMatchSnapshot() }) })