/* global describe, it, expect */ import { join, sep } from 'path' import requirePage, {getPagePath, normalizePagePath, pageNotFoundError} from '../../dist/server/require' const dir = '/path/to/some/project' const dist = '.next' const pathToBundles = join(dir, dist, 'dist', 'bundles', 'pages') describe('pageNotFoundError', () => { it('Should throw error with ENOENT code', () => { try { pageNotFoundError('test') } catch (err) { expect(err.code).toBe('ENOENT') } }) }) describe('normalizePagePath', () => { it('Should turn / into /index', () => { expect(normalizePagePath('/')).toBe(`${sep}index`) }) it('Should turn _error into /_error', () => { expect(normalizePagePath('_error')).toBe(`${sep}_error`) }) it('Should turn /abc into /abc', () => { expect(normalizePagePath('/abc')).toBe(`${sep}abc`) }) it('Should turn /abc/def into /abc/def', () => { expect(normalizePagePath('/abc/def')).toBe(`${sep}abc${sep}def`) }) it('Should throw on /../../test.js', () => { expect(() => normalizePagePath('/../../test.js')).toThrow() }) }) describe('getPagePath', () => { it('Should append /index to the / page', () => { const pagePath = getPagePath('/', {dir, dist}) expect(pagePath).toBe(join(pathToBundles, `${sep}index`)) }) it('Should prepend / when a page does not have it', () => { const pagePath = getPagePath('_error', {dir, dist}) expect(pagePath).toBe(join(pathToBundles, `${sep}_error`)) }) it('Should throw with paths containing ../', () => { expect(() => getPagePath('/../../package.json', {dir, dist})).toThrow() }) }) describe('requirePage', () => { it('Should require /index.js when using /', async () => { const page = await requirePage('/', {dir: __dirname, dist: '_resolvedata'}) expect(page.test).toBe('hello') }) it('Should require /index.js when using /index', async () => { const page = await requirePage('/index', {dir: __dirname, dist: '_resolvedata'}) expect(page.test).toBe('hello') }) it('Should require /world.js when using /world', async () => { const page = await requirePage('/world', {dir: __dirname, dist: '_resolvedata'}) expect(page.test).toBe('world') }) it('Should throw when using /../../test.js', async () => { try { await requirePage('/../../test', {dir: __dirname, dist: '_resolvedata'}) } catch (err) { expect(err.code).toBe('ENOENT') } }) it('Should throw when using non existent pages like /non-existent.js', async () => { try { await requirePage('/non-existent', {dir: __dirname, dist: '_resolvedata'}) } catch (err) { expect(err.code).toBe('ENOENT') } }) it('Should bubble up errors in the child component', async () => { try { await requirePage('/non-existent-child', {dir: __dirname, dist: '_resolvedata'}) } catch (err) { expect(err.code).toBe('MODULE_NOT_FOUND') } }) })