import React, { Component } from 'react'
import PropTypes from 'prop-types'
import htmlescape from 'htmlescape'
import flush from 'styled-jsx/server'
export default class Document extends Component {
static getInitialProps ({ renderPage }) {
const { html, head, errorHtml, chunks } = renderPage()
const styles = flush()
return { html, head, errorHtml, chunks, styles }
static childContextTypes = {
_documentProps: PropTypes.any
getChildContext () {
return { _documentProps: this.props }
render () {
export class Head extends Component {
static contextTypes = {
_documentProps: PropTypes.any
getChunkPreloadLink (filename) {
const { __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps
let { buildStats, assetPrefix, buildId } = __NEXT_DATA__
const hash = buildStats ? buildStats[filename].hash : buildId
return (
getPreloadMainLinks () {
const { dev } = this.context._documentProps
if (dev) {
return [
// In the production mode, we have a single asset with all the JS content.
return [
getPreloadDynamicChunks () {
const { chunks, __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps
let { assetPrefix, buildId } = __NEXT_DATA__
return => (
render () {
const { head, styles, __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps
const { pathname, buildId, assetPrefix, nextExport } = __NEXT_DATA__
const pagePathname = getPagePathname(pathname, nextExport)
{(head || []).map((h, i) => React.cloneElement(h, { key: i }))}
{styles || null}
export class Main extends Component {
static propTypes = {
className: PropTypes.string
static contextTypes = {
_documentProps: PropTypes.any
render () {
const { html, errorHtml } = this.context._documentProps
const { className } = this.props
return (
export class NextScript extends Component {
static propTypes = {
nonce: PropTypes.string
static contextTypes = {
_documentProps: PropTypes.any
getChunkScript (filename, additionalProps = {}) {
const { __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps
let { buildStats, assetPrefix, buildId } = __NEXT_DATA__
const hash = buildStats ? buildStats[filename].hash : buildId
return (
getScripts () {
const { dev } = this.context._documentProps
if (dev) {
return [
// In the production mode, we have a single asset with all the JS content.
// So, we can load the script with async
return [this.getChunkScript('app.js', { async: true })]
getDynamicChunks () {
const { chunks, __NEXT_DATA__ } = this.context._documentProps
let { assetPrefix, buildId } = __NEXT_DATA__
return (
{ => (
render () {
const { staticMarkup, __NEXT_DATA__, chunks } = this.context._documentProps
const { pathname, nextExport, buildId, assetPrefix } = __NEXT_DATA__
const pagePathname = getPagePathname(pathname, nextExport)
__NEXT_DATA__.chunks = chunks
{staticMarkup ? null : }
{staticMarkup ? null : this.getDynamicChunks()}
{staticMarkup ? null : this.getScripts()}
function getPagePathname (pathname, nextExport) {
if (!nextExport) return pathname
if (pathname === '/') return '/index.js'
return `${pathname}/index.js`