import del from 'del' import cp from 'recursive-copy' import mkdirp from 'mkdirp-then' import walk from 'walk' import { extname, resolve, join, dirname, sep } from 'path' import { existsSync, readFileSync, writeFileSync } from 'fs' import getConfig from './config' import { renderToHTML } from './render' import { getAvailableChunks } from './utils' import { printAndExit } from '../lib/utils' import { setAssetPrefix } from '../lib/asset' export default async function (dir, options, configuration) { dir = resolve(dir) const config = configuration || getConfig(dir) const nextDir = join(dir, config.distDir) log(` using build directory: ${nextDir}`) if (!existsSync(nextDir)) { console.error( `Build directory ${nextDir} does not exist. Make sure you run "next build" before running "next start" or "next export".` ) process.exit(1) } const buildId = readFileSync(join(nextDir, 'BUILD_ID'), 'utf8') const buildStats = require(join(nextDir, 'build-stats.json')) // Initialize the output directory const outDir = options.outdir await del(join(outDir, '*')) await mkdirp(join(outDir, '_next', buildStats['app.js'].hash)) await mkdirp(join(outDir, '_next', buildId)) // Copy files await cp( join(nextDir, 'app.js'), join(outDir, '_next', buildStats['app.js'].hash, 'app.js') ) // Copy static directory if (existsSync(join(dir, 'static'))) { log(' copying "static" directory') await cp( join(dir, 'static'), join(outDir, 'static'), { expand: true } ) } // Copy .next/static directory if (existsSync(join(nextDir, 'static'))) { log(' copying "static build" directory') await cp( join(nextDir, 'static'), join(outDir, '_next', 'static') ) } // Copy dynamic import chunks if (existsSync(join(nextDir, 'chunks'))) { log(' copying dynamic import chunks') await mkdirp(join(outDir, '_next', 'webpack')) await cp( join(nextDir, 'chunks'), join(outDir, '_next', 'webpack', 'chunks') ) } await copyPages(nextDir, outDir, buildId) // Get the exportPathMap from the `next.config.js` if (typeof config.exportPathMap !== 'function') { printAndExit( '> Could not find "exportPathMap" function inside "next.config.js"\n' + '> "next export" uses that function to build html pages.' ) } const exportPathMap = await config.exportPathMap() const exportPaths = Object.keys(exportPathMap) // Start the rendering process const renderOpts = { dir, dist: config.distDir, buildStats, buildId, nextExport: true, assetPrefix: config.assetPrefix.replace(/\/$/, ''), dev: false, staticMarkup: false, hotReloader: null, availableChunks: getAvailableChunks(dir, config.distDir) } // set the assetPrefix to use for 'next/asset' setAssetPrefix(renderOpts.assetPrefix) // We need this for server rendering the Link component. global.__NEXT_DATA__ = { nextExport: true } for (const path of exportPaths) { log(` exporting path: ${path}`) if (!path.startsWith('/')) { throw new Error(`path "${path}" doesn't start with a backslash`) } const { page, query = {} } = exportPathMap[path] const req = { url: path } const res = {} let htmlFilename = `${path}${sep}index.html` if (extname(path) !== '') { // If the path has an extension, use that as the filename instead htmlFilename = path } else if (path === '/') { // If the path is the root, just use index.html htmlFilename = 'index.html' } const baseDir = join(outDir, dirname(htmlFilename)) const htmlFilepath = join(outDir, htmlFilename) await mkdirp(baseDir) const html = await renderToHTML(req, res, page, query, renderOpts) writeFileSync(htmlFilepath, html, 'utf8') } // Add an empty line to the console for the better readability. log('') function log (message) { if (options.silent) return console.log(message) } } function copyPages (nextDir, outDir, buildId) { // TODO: do some proper error handling return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const nextBundlesDir = join(nextDir, 'bundles', 'pages') const walker = walk.walk(nextBundlesDir, { followLinks: false }) walker.on('file', (root, stat, next) => { const filename = const fullFilePath = `${root}${sep}${filename}` const relativeFilePath = fullFilePath.replace(nextBundlesDir, '') // We should not expose this page to the client side since // it has no use in the client side. if (relativeFilePath === `${sep}_document.js`) { next() return } let destFilePath = null if (relativeFilePath === `${sep}index.js`) { destFilePath = join(outDir, '_next', buildId, 'page', relativeFilePath) } else if (/index\.js$/.test(filename)) { const newRelativeFilePath = relativeFilePath.replace(`${sep}index.js`, '.js') destFilePath = join(outDir, '_next', buildId, 'page', newRelativeFilePath) } else { destFilePath = join(outDir, '_next', buildId, 'page', relativeFilePath) } cp(fullFilePath, destFilePath) .then(next) .catch(reject) }) walker.on('end', resolve) }) }