/* global describe, it, expect */ import {join} from 'path' import getConfig, {loadConfig} from '../../dist/server/config' import {PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER} from '../../dist/lib/constants' const pathToConfig = join(__dirname, '_resolvedata', 'without-function') const pathToConfigFn = join(__dirname, '_resolvedata', 'with-function') describe('config', () => { it('Should get the configuration', () => { const config = loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, pathToConfig) expect(config.customConfig).toBe(true) }) it('Should pass the phase correctly', () => { const config = loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, pathToConfigFn) expect(config.phase).toBe(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER) }) it('Should pass the defaultConfig correctly', () => { const config = loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, pathToConfigFn) expect(config.defaultConfig).toBeDefined() }) it('Should pass the customConfig correctly', () => { const config = loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, null, {customConfig: true}) expect(config.customConfig).toBe(true) }) it('Should not pass the customConfig when it is null', () => { const config = loadConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, null, null) expect(config.webpack).toBe(null) }) it('Should cache on getConfig', () => { const config = getConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, pathToConfig) const config2 = getConfig(PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, pathToConfig, {extraConfig: true}) // won't add extraConfig because it's cached. expect(config === config2).toBe(true) }) })