# Global Stylesheet example This is an example of how you can include a global stylesheet in a next.js webapp. ## How to use Download the example [or clone the repo](https://github.com/zeit/next.js): ```bash curl https://codeload.github.com/zeit/next.js/tar.gz/master | tar -xz --strip=2 next.js-master/examples/with-global-stylesheet cd with-global-stylesheet ``` To get this example running you just need to npm install . npm run dev Visit [http://localhost:300](http://localhost:300) and try to modify `pages/style.scss` changing color. Your changes should be picked up instantly. Also see it working with plain css here ![example](example.gif) Deploy it to the cloud with [now](https://zeit.co/now) ([download](https://zeit.co/download)) ```bash now ``` ## The idea behind the example The strategy here is to transpile the stylesheet file to a css-in-js file so that it can be loaded and hot reloaded both on the server and the client. For this purpose i created a babel loader plugin called [babel-loader-wrap-in-js](https://github.com/davibe/babel-plugin-wrap-in-js) This project shows how you can set it up. Have a look at - .babelrc - next.config.js - pages/style.scss - pages/index.js Please, report any issue on enhancement related to this example to its original github repository https://github.com/davibe/next.js-css-global-style-test