/* global describe, it, expect */ import shallowEquals from 'next-server/dist/lib/shallow-equals' describe('Shallow Equals', () => { it('should be true if both objects are the same', () => { const a = { aa: 10 } expect(shallowEquals(a, a)).toBe(true) }) it('should be true if both objects are similar', () => { const a = { aa: 10, bb: 30 } const b = { aa: 10, bb: 30 } expect(shallowEquals(a, b)).toBe(true) }) it('should be false if objects have different keys', () => { const a = { aa: 10, bb: 30 } const b = { aa: 10, cc: 50 } expect(shallowEquals(a, b)).toBe(false) }) it('should be false if objects have same keys but different values', () => { const a = { aa: 10, bb: 30 } const b = { aa: 10, bb: 50 } expect(shallowEquals(a, b)).toBe(false) }) it('should be false if objects matched deeply', () => { const a = { aa: 10, bb: { a: 10 } } const b = { aa: 10, bb: { a: 10 } } expect(shallowEquals(a, b)).toBe(false) }) })