const fs = require('fs') const gulp = require('gulp') const babel = require('gulp-babel') const cache = require('gulp-cached') const notify_ = require('gulp-notify') const benchmark = require('gulp-benchmark') const sequence = require('run-sequence') const webpack = require('webpack') const webpackStream = require('webpack-stream') const del = require('del') const childProcess = require('child_process') const isWindows = /^win/.test(process.platform) const babelOptions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('.babelrc', 'utf-8')) gulp.task('compile', [ 'compile-bin', 'compile-lib', 'compile-server', 'compile-client', 'remove-strict-mode' ]) gulp.task('compile-bin', () => { return gulp.src('bin/*') .pipe(cache('bin')) .pipe(babel(babelOptions)) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bin')) .pipe(notify('Compiled binaries')) }) gulp.task('compile-lib', () => { return gulp.src('lib/**/*.js') .pipe(cache('lib')) .pipe(babel(babelOptions)) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/lib')) .pipe(notify('Compiled lib files')) }) gulp.task('compile-server', () => { return gulp.src('server/**/*.js') .pipe(cache('server')) .pipe(babel(babelOptions)) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/server')) .pipe(notify('Compiled server files')) }) gulp.task('compile-client', () => { return gulp.src('client/**/*.js') .pipe(cache('client')) .pipe(babel(babelOptions)) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/client')) .pipe(notify('Compiled client files')) }) gulp.task('remove-strict-mode', ['compile-lib'], () => { return gulp.src('dist/lib/eval-script.js') .pipe(babel({ babelrc: false, plugins: ['babel-plugin-transform-remove-strict-mode'] })) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/lib')) .pipe(notify('Completed removing strict mode for eval script')) }) gulp.task('copy', ['copy-pages']) gulp.task('copy-pages', () => { return gulp.src('pages/**/*.js') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/pages')) }) gulp.task('compile-bench', () => { return gulp.src('bench/*.js') .pipe(cache('bench')) .pipe(babel(babelOptions)) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bench')) .pipe(notify('Compiled bench files')) }) gulp.task('copy-bench-fixtures', () => { return gulp.src('bench/fixtures/**/*') .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/bench/fixtures')) }) gulp.task('build', [ 'build-prefetcher' ]) gulp.task('build-prefetcher', ['compile-lib', 'compile-client'], () => { return gulp .src('client/next-prefetcher.js') .pipe(webpackStream({ output: { filename: 'next-prefetcher-bundle.js' }, plugins: [ new webpack.DefinePlugin({ 'process.env': { NODE_ENV: JSON.stringify('production') } }) ], module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel-loader', options: { babelrc: false, presets: [ ['env', { targets: { // All browsers which supports service workers browsers: ['chrome 49', 'firefox 49', 'opera 41'] } }] ] } } ] } }, webpack)) .pipe(gulp.dest('dist/client')) .pipe(notify('Built release prefetcher')) }) gulp.task('bench', ['compile', 'copy', 'compile-bench', 'copy-bench-fixtures'], () => { return gulp.src('dist/bench/*.js', {read: false}) .pipe(benchmark({ reporters: benchmark.reporters.etalon('RegExp#test') })) }) gulp.task('watch', [ 'watch-bin', 'watch-lib', 'watch-server', 'watch-client', 'watch-pages' ]) gulp.task('watch-bin', () => { return'bin/*', [ 'compile-bin' ]) }) gulp.task('watch-lib', () => { return'lib/**/*.js', [ 'compile-lib', 'build' ]) }) gulp.task('watch-server', () => { return'server/**/*.js', [ 'compile-server' ]) }) gulp.task('watch-client', () => { return'client/**/*.js', [ 'compile-client', 'build' ]) }) gulp.task('watch-pages', () => { return'pages/**/*.js', [ 'copy-pages' ]) }) gulp.task('clean', () => { return del('dist') }) gulp.task('default', [ 'compile', 'build', 'copy', 'watch' ]) gulp.task('release', (cb) => { sequence('clean', [ 'compile', 'build', 'copy', ], cb) }) // We run following task inside a NPM script chain and it runs chromedriver // inside a child process tree. // Even though we kill this task's process, chromedriver exists throughout // the lifetime of the original npm script. gulp.task('start-chromedriver', ['stop-chromedriver'], (cb) => { const processName = isWindows? 'chromedriver.cmd' : 'chromedriver' const chromedriver = childProcess.spawn(processName, { stdio: 'inherit' }) const timeoutHandler = setTimeout(() => { // We need to do this, otherwise this task's process will keep waiting. process.exit(0) }, 2000) }) gulp.task('stop-chromedriver', () => { try { if (isWindows) { childProcess.execSync('taskkill /im chromedriver* /t /f', { stdio: 'ignore' }) } else { childProcess.execSync('pkill chromedriver', { stdio: 'ignore' }) } } catch(ex) { // Do nothing } }) // avoid logging to the console // that we created a notification notify_.logLevel(0) // notification helper function notify (msg) { return notify_({ title: '▲ Next', message: msg, icon: false, onLast: true }) }