import React from 'react' import ansiHTML from 'ansi-html' import Head from './head' import {applySourcemaps} from '../client/source-map-support' // On the client side the error can come from multiple places for example react-hot-loader or client/index.js // `componentDidCatch` doesn't support asynchronous execution, so we have to handle sourcemap support here export class ClientDebug extends React.Component { state = { mappedError: null } componentDidMount () { const {error} = this.props // If sourcemaps were already applied there is no need to set the state if (error.sourceMapsApplied) { return } // Since componentDidMount doesn't handle errors we use then/catch here applySourcemaps(error).then(() => { this.setState({mappedError: error}) }).catch(console.error) } render () { const {mappedError} = this.state const {error} = this.props if (!error.sourceMapsApplied && mappedError === null) { return

Loading stacktrace...

} return } } // On the server side the error has sourcemaps already applied, so `ErrorDebug` is rendered directly. export default function ErrorDebug ({error}) { const { name, message, module } = error return (
{module ?

Error in {module.rawRequest}

: null} { name === 'ModuleBuildError' ?
) } const StackTrace = ({ error: { name, message, stack, info } }) => (
{message || name}
{info &&
) const styles = { errorDebug: { background: '#0e0d0d', boxSizing: 'border-box', overflow: 'auto', padding: '24px', position: 'fixed', left: 0, right: 0, top: 0, bottom: 0, zIndex: 9999, color: '#b3adac' }, stack: { fontFamily: '"SF Mono", "Roboto Mono", "Fira Mono", consolas, menlo-regular, monospace', fontSize: '13px', lineHeight: '18px', color: '#b3adac', margin: 0, whiteSpace: 'pre-wrap', wordWrap: 'break-word', marginTop: '16px' }, heading: { fontFamily: '-apple-system, system-ui, BlinkMacSystemFont, Roboto, "Segoe UI", "Fira Sans", Avenir, "Helvetica Neue", "Lucida Grande", sans-serif', fontSize: '20px', fontWeight: '400', lineHeight: '28px', color: '#fff', marginBottom: '0px', marginTop: '0px' } } const encodeHtml = str => { return str.replace(//g, '>') } // see color definitions of babel-code-frame: // ansiHTML.setColors({ reset: ['6F6767', '0e0d0d'], darkgrey: '6F6767', yellow: '6F6767', green: 'ebe7e5', magenta: 'ebe7e5', blue: 'ebe7e5', cyan: 'ebe7e5', red: 'ff001f' })