import { join, relative, sep } from 'path' import WebpackDevServer from 'webpack-dev-server' import webpack from './build/webpack' import read from './read' export default class HotReloader { constructor (dir) { this.dir = dir this.server = null this.initialized = false this.stats = null this.compilationErrors = null this.prevAssets = null this.prevChunkNames = null this.prevFailedChunkNames = null } async start () { await this.prepareServer() this.stats = await this.waitUntilValid() await this.listen() } async prepareServer () { const compiler = await webpack(this.dir, { hotReload: true }) compiler.plugin('after-emit', (compilation, callback) => { const { assets } = compilation if (this.prevAssets) { for (const f of Object.keys(assets)) { deleteCache(assets[f].existsAt) } for (const f of Object.keys(this.prevAssets)) { if (!assets[f]) { deleteCache(this.prevAssets[f].existsAt) } } } this.prevAssets = assets callback() }) compiler.plugin('done', (stats) => { const { compilation } = stats const chunkNames = new Set( => const failedChunkNames = new Set(compilation.errors .map((e) => e.module.reasons) .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []) .map((r) => r.module.chunks) .reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), []) .map((c) => if (this.initialized) { // detect chunks which have to be replaced with a new template // e.g, pages/index.js <-> pages/_error.js const added = diff(chunkNames, this.prevChunkNames) const removed = diff(this.prevChunkNames, chunkNames) const succeeded = diff(this.prevFailedChunkNames, failedChunkNames) // reload all failed chunks to replace the templace to the error ones, // and to update error content const failed = failedChunkNames const rootDir = join('bundles', 'pages') for (const n of new Set([...added, ...removed, ...failed, ...succeeded])) { const route = toRoute(relative(rootDir, n)) this.send('reload', route) } } this.initialized = true this.stats = stats this.compilationErrors = null this.prevChunkNames = chunkNames this.prevFailedChunkNames = failedChunkNames }) this.server = new WebpackDevServer(compiler, { publicPath: '/', hot: true, noInfo: true, clientLogLevel: 'warning', stats: { assets: false, children: false, chunks: false, color: false, errors: true, errorDetails: false, hash: false, modules: false, publicPath: false, reasons: false, source: false, timings: false, version: false, warnings: false } }) } waitUntilValid () { return new Promise((resolve) => { this.server.middleware.waitUntilValid(resolve) }) } listen () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.server.listen(3030, (err) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } getCompilationErrors () { if (!this.compilationErrors) { this.compilationErrors = new Map() if (this.stats.hasErrors()) { const { compiler, errors } = this.stats.compilation for (const err of errors) { for (const r of err.module.reasons) { for (const c of r.module.chunks) { // get the path of the bundle file const path = join(compiler.outputPath, const errors = this.compilationErrors.get(path) || [] this.compilationErrors.set(path, errors.concat([err])) } } } } } return this.compilationErrors } send (type, data) { this.server.sockWrite(this.server.sockets, type, data) } } function deleteCache (path) { delete require.cache[path] delete read.cache[path] } function diff (a, b) { return new Set([...a].filter((v) => !b.has(v))) } function toRoute (file) { const f = sep === '\\' ? file.replace(/\\/g, '/') : file return ('/' + f).replace(/(\/index)?\.js$/, '') || '/' }