import DynamicEntryPlugin from 'webpack/lib/DynamicEntryPlugin' import { EventEmitter } from 'events' import { join } from 'path' import { parse } from 'url' import resolvePath from './resolve' import touch from 'touch' const ADDED = Symbol('added') const BUILDING = Symbol('building') const BUILT = Symbol('built') export default function onDemandEntryHandler (devMiddleware, compiler, { dir, dev, maxInactiveAge = 1000 * 25 }) { const entries = {} const lastAccessPages = [''] const doneCallbacks = new EventEmitter() const invalidator = new Invalidator(devMiddleware) let touchedAPage = false compiler.plugin('make', function (compilation, done) { invalidator.startBuilding() const allEntries = Object.keys(entries).map((page) => { const { name, entry } = entries[page] entries[page].status = BUILDING return addEntry(compilation, this.context, name, entry) }) Promise.all(allEntries) .then(() => done()) .catch(done) }) compiler.plugin('done', function (stats) { // Call all the doneCallbacks Object.keys(entries).forEach((page) => { const entryInfo = entries[page] if (entryInfo.status !== BUILDING) return // With this, we are triggering a filesystem based watch trigger // It'll memorize some timestamp related info related to common files used // in the page // That'll reduce the page building time significantly. if (!touchedAPage) { setTimeout(() => { touch.sync(entryInfo.pathname) }, 1000) touchedAPage = true } entryInfo.status = BUILT entries[page].lastActiveTime = doneCallbacks.emit(page) }) invalidator.doneBuilding() }) setInterval(function () { disposeInactiveEntries(devMiddleware, entries, lastAccessPages, maxInactiveAge) }, 5000) return { async ensurePage (page) { page = normalizePage(page) const pagePath = join(dir, 'pages', page) const pathname = await resolvePath(pagePath) const name = join('bundles', pathname.substring(dir.length)) const entry = `${pathname}?entry` await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const entryInfo = entries[page] if (entryInfo) { if (entryInfo.status === BUILT) { resolve() return } if (entryInfo.status === BUILDING) { doneCallbacks.on(page, processCallback) return } } console.log(`> Building page: ${page}`) entries[page] = { name, entry, pathname, status: ADDED } doneCallbacks.on(page, processCallback) invalidator.invalidate() function processCallback (err) { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() } }) }, middleware () { return function (req, res, next) { if (!/^\/_next\/on-demand-entries-ping/.test(req.url)) return next() const { query } = parse(req.url, true) const page = normalizePage( const entryInfo = entries[page] // If there's no entry. // Then it seems like an weird issue. if (!entryInfo) { const message = `Client pings, but there's no entry for page: ${page}` console.error(message) sendJson(res, { invalid: true }) return } sendJson(res, { success: true }) // We don't need to maintain active state of anything other than BUILT entries if (entryInfo.status !== BUILT) return // If there's an entryInfo lastAccessPages.pop() lastAccessPages.unshift(page) entryInfo.lastActiveTime = } } } } function addEntry (compilation, context, name, entry) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const dep = DynamicEntryPlugin.createDependency(entry, name) compilation.addEntry(context, dep, name, (err) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } function disposeInactiveEntries (devMiddleware, entries, lastAccessPages, maxInactiveAge) { const disposingPages = [] Object.keys(entries).forEach((page) => { const { lastActiveTime, status } = entries[page] // This means this entry is currently building or just added // We don't need to dispose those entries. if (status !== BUILT) return // We should not build the last accessed page even we didn't get any pings // Sometimes, it's possible our XHR ping to wait before completing other requests. // In that case, we should not dispose the current viewing page if (lastAccessPages[0] === page) return if ( - lastActiveTime > maxInactiveAge) { disposingPages.push(page) } }) if (disposingPages.length > 0) { disposingPages.forEach((page) => { delete entries[page] }) console.log(`> Disposing inactive page(s): ${disposingPages.join(', ')}`) devMiddleware.invalidate() } } // /index and / is the same. So, we need to identify both pages as the same. // This also applies to sub pages as well. function normalizePage (page) { return page.replace(/\/index$/, '/') } function sendJson (res, payload) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') res.status = 200 res.end(JSON.stringify(payload)) } // Make sure only one invalidation happens at a time // Otherwise, webpack hash gets changed and it'll force the client to reload. class Invalidator { constructor (devMiddleware) { this.devMiddleware = devMiddleware this.building = false this.rebuildAgain = false } invalidate () { // If there's a current build is processing, we won't abort it by invalidating. // (If aborted, it'll cause a client side hard reload) // But let it to invalidate just after the completion. // So, it can re-build the queued pages at once. if (this.building) { this.rebuildAgain = true return } this.building = true this.devMiddleware.invalidate() } startBuilding () { this.building = true } doneBuilding () { this.building = false if (this.rebuildAgain) { this.rebuildAgain = false this.invalidate() } } }