import { Head, App, findResultsState } from '../components' import React from 'react' import PropTypes from 'prop-types' import Router from 'next/router' import qs from 'qs' const updateAfter = 700 const searchStateToUrl = searchState => searchState ? `${window.location.pathname}?${qs.stringify(searchState)}` : '' export default class extends React.Component { static propTypes = { resultsState: PropTypes.object, searchState: PropTypes.object }; constructor (props) { super(props) this.onSearchStateChange = this.onSearchStateChange.bind(this) } /* nextjs params.query doesn't handle nested objects once it does, params.query could be used directly here, but also inside the constructor to initialize the searchState. */ static async getInitialProps (params) { const searchState = qs.parse( params.asPath.substring(params.asPath.indexOf('?') + 1) ) const resultsState = await findResultsState(App, { searchState }) return { resultsState, searchState } } onSearchStateChange = searchState => { clearTimeout(this.debouncedSetState) this.debouncedSetState = setTimeout(() => { const href = searchStateToUrl(searchState) Router.push(href, href, { shallow: true }) }, updateAfter) this.setState({ searchState }) }; componentDidMount () { this.setState({ searchState: qs.parse( }) } componentWillReceiveProps () { this.setState({ searchState: qs.parse( }) } render () { return (
) } }