import { tmpdir } from 'os' import { join } from 'path' import getConfig from '../config' import fs from 'mz/fs' import uuid from 'uuid' import del from 'del' import webpack from './webpack' import replaceCurrentBuild from './replace' import md5File from 'md5-file/promise' export default async function build (dir) { const buildDir = join(tmpdir(), uuid.v4()) const compiler = await webpack(dir, { buildDir }) try { await runCompiler(compiler) // Pass in both the buildDir and the dir to retrieve config await writeBuildStats(buildDir, dir) await writeBuildId(buildDir, dir) } catch (err) { console.error(`> Failed to build on ${buildDir}`) throw err } await replaceCurrentBuild(dir, buildDir) // no need to wait del(buildDir, { force: true }) } function runCompiler (compiler) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {, stats) => { if (err) return reject(err) const jsonStats = stats.toJson() if (jsonStats.errors.length > 0) { const error = new Error(jsonStats.errors[0]) error.errors = jsonStats.errors error.warnings = jsonStats.warnings return reject(error) } resolve(jsonStats) }) }) } async function writeBuildStats (buildDir, dir) { const dist = getConfig(dir).distDir // Here we can't use hashes in webpack chunks. // That's because the "app.js" is not tied to a chunk. // It's created by merging a few assets. (commons.js and main.js) // So, we need to generate the hash ourself. const assetHashMap = { 'app.js': { hash: await md5File(join(buildDir, dist, 'app.js')) } } const buildStatsPath = join(buildDir, dist, 'build-stats.json') await fs.writeFile(buildStatsPath, JSON.stringify(assetHashMap), 'utf8') } async function writeBuildId (buildDir, dir) { const dist = getConfig(dir).distDir const buildIdPath = join(buildDir, dist, 'BUILD_ID') const buildId = uuid.v4() await fs.writeFile(buildIdPath, buildId, 'utf8') }