# Head elements example ## How to use Download the example: ```bash curl https://codeload.github.com/zeit/next.js/tar.gz/master | tar -xz next.js-master/examples/head-elements cd next.js-master/examples/head-elements ``` or clone the repo: ```bash git clone git@github.com:zeit/next.js.git --depth=1 cd next.js/examples/head-elements ``` Install the dependencies: ```bash npm install ``` Run the dev server: ```bash npm run dev ``` ## The idea behind the example For every page you can inject elements into the page head. This way you can add stylesheets, JS scripts, meta tags, a custom title or whatever you think is convenient to add inside the `` of your page. This example shows in `pages/index.js` how to add a title and a couple of meta tags.