import http from 'http' import { resolve, join } from 'path' import { parse } from 'url' import send from 'send' import Router from './router' import { render, renderJSON, errorToJSON } from './render' import HotReloader from './hot-reloader' import { resolveFromList } from './resolve' export default class Server { constructor ({ dir = '.', dev = false, hotReload = false }) { this.dir = resolve(dir) = dev this.hotReloader = hotReload ? new HotReloader(this.dir, : null this.router = new Router() this.http = http.createServer((req, res) => {, res) .catch((err) => { console.error(err) res.statusCode = 500 res.end('error') }) }) this.defineRoutes() } async start (port) { if (this.hotReloader) { await this.hotReloader.start() } await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.http.listen(port, (err) => { if (err) return reject(err) resolve() }) }) } defineRoutes () { this.router.get('/_next/commons.js', async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(this.dir, '.next/commons.js') await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }) this.router.get('/_next/:path+', async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(__dirname, '..', 'client', ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }) this.router.get('/static/:path+', async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }) this.router.get('/:path+.json', async (req, res) => { await this.renderJSON(req, res) }) this.router.get('/:path*', async (req, res) => { await this.render(req, res) }) } async run (req, res) { if (this.hotReloader) { await, res) } const fn = this.router.match(req, res) if (fn) { await fn() } else { await this.render404(req, res) } } async render (req, res) { const { pathname, query } = parse(req.url, true) const ctx = { req, res, pathname, query } const compilationErr = this.getCompilationError(req.url) if (compilationErr) { await this.doRender(res, 500, '/_error-debug', { ...ctx, err: compilationErr }) return } try { await this.doRender(res, 200, req.url, ctx) } catch (err) { const compilationErr2 = this.getCompilationError('/_error') if (compilationErr2) { await this.doRender(res, 500, '/_error-debug', { ...ctx, err: compilationErr2 }) return } if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') { console.error(err) const url = ? '/_error-debug' : '/_error' await this.doRender(res, 500, url, { ...ctx, err }) return } try { await this.doRender(res, 404, '/_error', { ...ctx, err }) } catch (err2) { if ( { await this.doRender(res, 500, '/_error-debug', { ...ctx, err: err2 }) } else { throw err2 } } } } async doRender (res, statusCode, url, ctx) { const { dir, dev } = this // need to set statusCode before `render` // since it can be used on getInitialProps res.statusCode = statusCode const html = await render(url, ctx, { dir, dev }) sendHTML(res, html) } async renderJSON (req, res) { const compilationErr = this.getCompilationError(req.url) if (compilationErr) { await this.doRenderJSON(res, 500, '/_error-debug.json', compilationErr) return } try { await this.doRenderJSON(res, 200, req.url) } catch (err) { const compilationErr2 = this.getCompilationError('/_error.json') if (compilationErr2) { await this.doRenderJSON(res, 500, '/_error-debug.json', compilationErr2) return } if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { await this.doRenderJSON(res, 404, '/_error.json') } else { console.error(err) await this.doRenderJSON(res, 500, '/_error.json') } } } async doRenderJSON (res, statusCode, url, err) { const { dir } = this const json = await renderJSON(url, { dir }) if (err) { json.err = errorToJSON(err) } const data = JSON.stringify(json) res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json') res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(data)) res.statusCode = statusCode res.end(data) } async render404 (req, res) { const { pathname, query } = parse(req.url, true) const ctx = { req, res, pathname, query } const compilationErr = this.getCompilationError('/_error') if (compilationErr) { await this.doRender(res, 500, '/_error-debug', { ...ctx, err: compilationErr }) return } try { await this.doRender(res, 404, '/_error', ctx) } catch (err) { if ( { await this.doRender(res, 500, '/_error-debug', { ...ctx, err }) } else { throw err } } } serveStatic (req, res, path) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { send(req, path) .on('error', (err) => { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { this.render404(req, res).then(resolve, reject) } else { reject(err) } }) .pipe(res) .on('finish', resolve) }) } getCompilationError (url) { if (!this.hotReloader) return const errors = this.hotReloader.getCompilationErrors() if (!errors.size) return const p = parse(url || '/').pathname.replace(/\.json$/, '') const id = join(this.dir, '.next', 'bundles', 'pages', p) const path = resolveFromList(id, errors.keys()) if (path) return errors.get(path)[0] } } function sendHTML (res, html) { res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html') res.setHeader('Content-Length', Buffer.byteLength(html)) res.end(html) }