import { ConcatSource } from 'webpack-sources' // This plugin combines a set of assets into a single asset // This should be only used with text assets, // otherwise the result is unpredictable. export default class CombineAssetsPlugin { constructor ({ input, output }) { this.input = input this.output = output } apply (compiler) { compiler.plugin('compilation', (compilation) => { // This is triggered after uglify and other optimizers have ran. compilation.plugin('after-optimize-chunk-assets', (chunks) => { const concat = new ConcatSource() this.input.forEach((name) => { const asset = compilation.assets[name] if (!asset) return // We add each matched asset from this.input to a new bundle concat.add(asset) // The original assets are kept because they show up when analyzing the bundle using webpack-bundle-analyzer // See }) // Creates a new asset holding the concatted source compilation.assets[this.output] = concat }) }) } }