import { relative } from 'path' import loaderUtils from 'loader-utils' module.exports = function (content, sourceMap) { this.cacheable() const options = loaderUtils.getOptions(this) if (!options.extensions) { throw new Error('extensions is not provided to hot-self-accept-loader. Please upgrade all next-plugins to the latest version.') } if (!options.include) { throw new Error('include option is not provided to hot-self-accept-loader. Please upgrade all next-plugins to the latest version.') } const route = getRoute(this.resourcePath, options) // Webpack has a built in system to prevent default from colliding, giving it a random letter per export. // We can safely check if Component is undefined since all other pages imported into the entrypoint don't have __webpack_exports__.default this.callback(null, `${content} (function (Component, route) { if(!Component) return if (! return Component.__route = route if ( === 'idle') return var components = next.router.components for (var r in components) { if (!components.hasOwnProperty(r)) continue if (components[r].Component.__route === route) { next.router.update(r, Component) } } })(typeof __webpack_exports__ !== 'undefined' ? __webpack_exports__.default : (module.exports.default || module.exports), ${JSON.stringify(route)}) `, sourceMap) } function getRoute (resourcePath, options) { const dir = options.include.find((d) => resourcePath.indexOf(d) === 0) if (!dir) { throw new Error(`'hot-self-accept-loader' was called on a file that isn't a page.`) } const path = relative(dir, resourcePath).replace(options.extensions, '.js') return '/' + path.replace(/((^|\/)index)?\.js$/, '') }