import React from 'react' import ReactDOM from 'react-dom' import HeadManager from './head-manager' import { createRouter } from '../lib/router' import EventEmitter from '../lib/EventEmitter' import { loadGetInitialProps, getURL } from '../lib/utils' import PageLoader from '../lib/page-loader' import * as asset from '../lib/asset' import * as envConfig from '../lib/runtime-config' import ErrorBoundary from './error-boundary' // Polyfill Promise globally // This is needed because Webpack2's dynamic loading(common chunks) code // depends on Promise. // So, we need to polyfill it. // See: if (!window.Promise) { window.Promise = Promise } const { __NEXT_DATA__: { props, err, page, pathname, query, buildId, chunks, assetPrefix, runtimeConfig }, location } = window // With dynamic assetPrefix it's no longer possible to set assetPrefix at the build time // So, this is how we do it in the client side at runtime __webpack_public_path__ = `${assetPrefix}/_next/webpack/` //eslint-disable-line // Initialize next/asset with the assetPrefix asset.setAssetPrefix(assetPrefix) // Initialize next/config with the environment configuration envConfig.setConfig({ serverRuntimeConfig: {}, publicRuntimeConfig: runtimeConfig }) const asPath = getURL() const pageLoader = new PageLoader(buildId, assetPrefix) window.__NEXT_LOADED_PAGES__.forEach(({ route, fn }) => { pageLoader.registerPage(route, fn) }) delete window.__NEXT_LOADED_PAGES__ window.__NEXT_LOADED_CHUNKS__.forEach(({ chunkName, fn }) => { pageLoader.registerChunk(chunkName, fn) }) delete window.__NEXT_LOADED_CHUNKS__ window.__NEXT_REGISTER_PAGE = pageLoader.registerPage.bind(pageLoader) window.__NEXT_REGISTER_CHUNK = pageLoader.registerChunk.bind(pageLoader) const headManager = new HeadManager() const appContainer = document.getElementById('__next') const errorContainer = document.getElementById('__next-error') let lastAppProps export let router export let ErrorComponent let DevErrorOverlay let Component let App let stripAnsi = (s) => s let applySourcemaps = (e) => e export const emitter = new EventEmitter() export default async ({ DevErrorOverlay: passedDevErrorOverlay, stripAnsi: passedStripAnsi, applySourcemaps: passedApplySourcemaps } = {}) => { // Wait for all the dynamic chunks to get loaded for (const chunkName of chunks) { await pageLoader.waitForChunk(chunkName) } stripAnsi = passedStripAnsi || stripAnsi applySourcemaps = passedApplySourcemaps || applySourcemaps DevErrorOverlay = passedDevErrorOverlay ErrorComponent = await pageLoader.loadPage('/_error') App = await pageLoader.loadPage('/_app') let initialErr = err try { Component = await pageLoader.loadPage(page) if (typeof Component !== 'function') { throw new Error(`The default export is not a React Component in page: "${pathname}"`) } } catch (error) { // This catches errors like throwing in the top level of a module initialErr = error } router = createRouter(pathname, query, asPath, { initialProps: props, pageLoader, App, Component, ErrorComponent, err: initialErr }) router.subscribe(({ App, Component, props, hash, err }) => { render({ App, Component, props, err, hash, emitter }) }) const hash = location.hash.substring(1) render({ App, Component, props, hash, err: initialErr, emitter }) return emitter } export async function render (props) { if (props.err) { await renderError(props) return } try { await doRender(props) } catch (err) { if (err.abort) return await renderError({...props, err}) } } // This method handles all runtime and debug errors. // 404 and 500 errors are special kind of errors // and they are still handle via the main render method. export async function renderError (props) { const {err, errorInfo} = props // In development we apply sourcemaps to the error if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { await applySourcemaps(err) } const str = stripAnsi(`${err.message}\n${err.stack}${errorInfo ? `\n\n${errorInfo.componentStack}` : ''}`) console.error(str) if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') { // We need to unmount the current app component because it's // in the inconsistant state. // Otherwise, we need to face issues when the issue is fixed and // it's get notified via HMR ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(appContainer) renderReactElement(, errorContainer) return } // In production we do a normal render with the `ErrorComponent` as component. // `App` will handle the calling of `getInitialProps`, which will include the `err` on the context await doRender({...props, err, Component: ErrorComponent}) } async function doRender ({ App, Component, props, hash, err, emitter: emitterProp = emitter }) { // Usual getInitialProps fetching is handled in next/router // this is for when ErrorComponent gets replaced by Component by HMR if (!props && Component && Component !== ErrorComponent && lastAppProps.Component === ErrorComponent) { const { pathname, query, asPath } = router props = await loadGetInitialProps(App, {Component, router, ctx: {err, pathname, query, asPath}}) } Component = Component || lastAppProps.Component props = props || lastAppProps.props const appProps = { Component, hash, err, router, headManager, ...props } // lastAppProps has to be set before ReactDom.render to account for ReactDom throwing an error. lastAppProps = appProps emitterProp.emit('before-reactdom-render', { Component, ErrorComponent, appProps }) // We need to clear any existing runtime error messages ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode(errorContainer) let onError = null if (process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'development') { onError = async (error, errorInfo) => { try { await renderError({App, err: error, errorInfo}) } catch (err) { console.error('Error while rendering error page: ', err) } } } // In development we render a wrapper component that catches runtime errors. renderReactElement(( ), appContainer) emitterProp.emit('after-reactdom-render', { Component, ErrorComponent, appProps }) } let isInitialRender = true function renderReactElement (reactEl, domEl) { // The check for `.hydrate` is there to support React alternatives like preact if (isInitialRender && typeof ReactDOM.hydrate === 'function') { ReactDOM.hydrate(reactEl, domEl) isInitialRender = false } else { ReactDOM.render(reactEl, domEl) } }