// We borrow this code from https://github.com/pillarjs/path-match // That's because, ^^^ package comes with very old version of path-to-regexp // So, it'll give us issues when the app has used a newer version of path-to-regexp // (When webpack resolving packages) var pathToRegexp = require('path-to-regexp') module.exports = function (options) { options = options || {} return function (path) { var keys = [] var re = pathToRegexp(path, keys, options) return function (pathname, params) { var m = re.exec(pathname) if (!m) return false params = params || {} var key, param for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i] param = m[i + 1] if (!param) continue params[key.name] = decodeParam(param) if (key.repeat) params[key.name] = params[key.name].split(key.delimiter) } return params } } } function decodeParam (param) { try { return decodeURIComponent(param) } catch (_) { const err = new Error('failed to decode param') err.code = 'DECODE_FAILED' throw err } }