import React, { Component } from 'react' import Link from 'next/link' import { dispatch } from '@rematch/core' import { initStore } from '../shared/store' import withRematch from '../shared/utils/withRematch' import Header from '../shared/components/header' import CounterDisplay from '../shared/components/counter-display' class Github extends Component { static async getInitialProps ({ isServer, initialState }) { if (isServer) { await dispatch.github.fetchUsers() } return {} } render () { return ( <div> <Header /> <h1> Github users </h1> <p> Server rendered github user list. You can also reload the users from the api by clicking the <b>Get users</b> button below. </p> {this.props.isLoading ? <p>Loading ...</p> : null} <p> <button onClick={this.props.fetchUsers}>Get users</button> </p> { => ( <div key={user.login}> <Link href={user.html_url} passHref> <a> <img height='45' width='45' src={user.avatar_url} /> <span> Username - {user.login}</span> </a> </Link> <br /> </div> ))} <br /> <CounterDisplay /> </div> ) } } const mapState = state => ({ userList: state.github.users, isLoading: state.github.isLoading }) const mapDispatch = ({ github: { fetchUsers } }) => ({ fetchUsers: () => fetchUsers() }) export default withRematch(initStore, mapState, mapDispatch)(Github)