'use strict' const os = require('os') exports['default'] = { servers: { web: (api) => { return { enabled: true, // HTTP or HTTPS? secure: false, // Passed to https.createServer if secure=true. Should contain SSL certificates serverOptions: {}, // Should we redirect all traffic to the first host in this array if hte request header doesn't match? // i.e.: [ 'https://www.site.com' ] allowedRequestHosts: process.env.ALLOWED_HOSTS ? process.env.ALLOWED_HOSTS.split(',') : [], // Port or Socket Path port: process.env.PORT || 8080, // Which IP to listen on (use '' for all; '::' for all on ipv4 and ipv6) // Set to `null` when listening to socket bindIP: '', // Any additional headers you want actionhero to respond with httpHeaders: { 'X-Powered-By': api.config.general.serverName, 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods': 'HEAD, GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS, TRACE', 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers': 'Content-Type' }, // Route that actions will be served from; secondary route against this route will be treated as actions, // IE: /api/?action=test == /api/test/ urlPathForActions: 'api', // Route that static files will be served from; // path (relative to your project root) to serve static content from // set to `null` to disable the file server entirely urlPathForFiles: 'public', // When visiting the root URL, should visitors see 'api' or 'file'? // Visitors can always visit /api and /public as normal rootEndpointType: 'api', // simple routing also adds an 'all' route which matches /api/:action for all actions simpleRouting: true, // queryRouting allows an action to be defined via a URL param, ie: /api?action=:action queryRouting: true, // The cache or (if etags are enabled) next-revalidation time to be returned for all flat files served from /public; defined in seconds flatFileCacheDuration: 60, // Add an etag header to requested flat files which acts as fingerprint that changes when the file is updated; // Client will revalidate the fingerprint at latest after flatFileCacheDuration and reload it if the etag (and therfore the file) changed // or continue to use the cached file if it's still valid enableEtag: true, // should we save the un-parsed HTTP POST/PUT payload to connection.rawConnection.params.rawBody? saveRawBody: false, // How many times should we try to boot the server? // This might happen if the port is in use by another process or the socketfile is claimed bootAttempts: 1, // Settings for determining the id of an http(s) request (browser-fingerprint) fingerprintOptions: { cookieKey: 'sessionID', toSetCookie: true, onlyStaticElements: false, settings: { path: '/', expires: 3600000 } }, // Options to be applied to incoming file uploads. // More options and details at https://github.com/felixge/node-formidable formOptions: { uploadDir: os.tmpdir(), keepExtensions: false, maxFieldsSize: 1024 * 1024 * 100 }, // Should we pad JSON responses with whitespace to make them more human-readable? // set to null to disable padding: 2, // Options to configure metadata in responses metadataOptions: { serverInformation: true, requesterInformation: true }, // When true, returnErrorCodes will modify the response header for http(s) clients if connection.error is not null. // You can also set connection.rawConnection.responseHttpCode to specify a code per request. returnErrorCodes: true, // should this node server attempt to gzip responses if the client can accept them? // this will slow down the performance of actionhero, and if you need this funcionality, it is recommended that you do this upstream with nginx or your load balancer compress: false, // options to pass to the query parser // learn more about the options @ https://github.com/hapijs/qs queryParseOptions: {} } } } } exports.production = { servers: { web: (api) => { return { padding: null, metadataOptions: { serverInformation: false, requesterInformation: false } } } } } exports.test = { servers: { web: (api) => { return { secure: false, port: process.env.PORT || 1000 + (process.pid % 64535), matchExtensionMime: true, metadataOptions: { serverInformation: true, requesterInformation: true } } } } }