import React from 'react' import Link from './link' import Router from './router' import { warn, execOnce } from './utils' const warnImperativePrefetch = execOnce(() => { const message = '> You are using deprecated "next/prefetch". It will be removed with Next.js 2.0.\n' + '> Use "Router.prefetch(href)" instead.' warn(message) }) const wantLinkPrefetch = execOnce(() => { const message = '> You are using deprecated "next/prefetch". It will be removed with Next.js 2.0.\n' + '> Use "" instead.' warn(message) }) export function prefetch (href) { warnImperativePrefetch() return Router.prefetch(href) } export default class LinkPrefetch extends React.Component { render () { wantLinkPrefetch() const props = { ...this.props, prefetch: this.props.prefetch === false ? this.props.prefetch : true } return () } }