/* eslint-disable import/first, no-return-await */ import { resolve, join, sep } from 'path' import { parse as parseUrl } from 'url' import { parse as parseQs } from 'querystring' import fs from 'fs' import http, { STATUS_CODES } from 'http' import promisify from '../lib/promisify' import { renderToHTML, renderErrorToHTML, sendHTML, serveStatic, renderScriptError } from './render' import Router from './router' import { getAvailableChunks, isInternalUrl } from './utils' import loadConfig from './config' import {PHASE_PRODUCTION_SERVER, PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER, BLOCKED_PAGES, BUILD_ID_FILE} from '../lib/constants' import * as asset from '../lib/asset' import * as envConfig from '../lib/runtime-config' import { isResSent } from '../lib/utils' import isAsyncSupported from './lib/is-async-supported' // We need to go up one more level since we are in the `dist` directory import pkg from '../../package' const access = promisify(fs.access) export default class Server { constructor ({ dir = '.', dev = false, staticMarkup = false, quiet = false, conf = null } = {}) { this.dir = resolve(dir) this.dev = dev this.quiet = quiet this.router = new Router() this.http = null const phase = dev ? PHASE_DEVELOPMENT_SERVER : PHASE_PRODUCTION_SERVER this.nextConfig = loadConfig(phase, this.dir, conf) this.distDir = join(this.dir, this.nextConfig.distDir) // Only serverRuntimeConfig needs the default // publicRuntimeConfig gets it's default in client/index.js const {serverRuntimeConfig = {}, publicRuntimeConfig, assetPrefix, generateEtags} = this.nextConfig if (!dev && !fs.existsSync(resolve(this.distDir, BUILD_ID_FILE))) { console.error(`> Could not find a valid build in the '${this.distDir}' directory! Try building your app with 'next build' before starting the server.`) process.exit(1) } this.buildId = !dev ? this.readBuildId() : '-' this.hotReloader = dev ? this.getHotReloader(this.dir, { quiet, config: this.nextConfig, buildId: this.buildId }) : null this.renderOpts = { dev, staticMarkup, distDir: this.distDir, hotReloader: this.hotReloader, buildId: this.buildId, availableChunks: dev ? {} : getAvailableChunks(this.distDir, dev), generateEtags } // Only the `publicRuntimeConfig` key is exposed to the client side // It'll be rendered as part of __NEXT_DATA__ on the client side if (publicRuntimeConfig) { this.renderOpts.runtimeConfig = publicRuntimeConfig } // Initialize next/config with the environment configuration envConfig.setConfig({ serverRuntimeConfig, publicRuntimeConfig }) this.setAssetPrefix(assetPrefix) } getHotReloader (dir, options) { const HotReloader = require('./hot-reloader').default return new HotReloader(dir, options) } handleRequest (req, res, parsedUrl) { // Parse url if parsedUrl not provided if (!parsedUrl || typeof parsedUrl !== 'object') { parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url, true) } // Parse the querystring ourselves if the user doesn't handle querystring parsing if (typeof parsedUrl.query === 'string') { parsedUrl.query = parseQs(parsedUrl.query) } res.statusCode = 200 return this.run(req, res, parsedUrl) .catch((err) => { if (!this.quiet) console.error(err) res.statusCode = 500 res.end(STATUS_CODES[500]) }) } getRequestHandler () { return this.handleRequest.bind(this) } setAssetPrefix (prefix) { this.renderOpts.assetPrefix = prefix ? prefix.replace(/\/$/, '') : '' asset.setAssetPrefix(this.renderOpts.assetPrefix) } async prepare () { if (this.dev && process.stdout.isTTY && isAsyncSupported()) { try { const checkForUpdate = require('update-check') const update = await checkForUpdate(pkg, { distTag: pkg.version.includes('canary') ? 'canary' : 'latest' }) if (update) { // bgRed from chalk console.log(`\u001B[41mUPDATE AVAILABLE\u001B[49m The latest version of \`next\` is ${update.latest}`) } } catch (err) { console.error('Error checking updates', err) } } await this.defineRoutes() if (this.hotReloader) { await this.hotReloader.start() } } async close () { if (this.hotReloader) { await this.hotReloader.stop() } if (this.http) { await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.http.close((err) => { if (err) return reject(err) return resolve() }) }) } } async defineRoutes () { const routes = { // This is to support, webpack dynamic imports in production. '/_next/webpack/chunks/:name': async (req, res, params) => { // Cache aggressively in production if (!this.dev) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable') } const p = join(this.distDir, 'chunks', params.name) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }, // This is to support, webpack dynamic import support with HMR '/_next/webpack/:id': async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(this.distDir, 'chunks', params.id) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }, '/_next/:buildId/page/:path*.js.map': async (req, res, params) => { const paths = params.path || [''] const page = `/${paths.join('/')}` if (this.dev) { try { await this.hotReloader.ensurePage(page) } catch (err) { await this.render404(req, res) } } const path = join(this.distDir, 'bundles', 'pages', `${page}.js.map`) await serveStatic(req, res, path) }, '/_next/:buildId/page/:path*.js': async (req, res, params) => { const paths = params.path || [''] const page = `/${paths.join('/')}` if (!this.handleBuildId(params.buildId, res)) { const error = new Error('INVALID_BUILD_ID') return await renderScriptError(req, res, page, error) } if (this.dev && page !== '/_error' && page !== '/_app') { try { await this.hotReloader.ensurePage(page) } catch (error) { return await renderScriptError(req, res, page, error) } const compilationErr = await this.getCompilationError() if (compilationErr) { return await renderScriptError(req, res, page, compilationErr) } } const p = join(this.distDir, 'bundles', 'pages', `${page}.js`) // [production] If the page is not exists, we need to send a proper Next.js style 404 // Otherwise, it'll affect the multi-zones feature. try { await access(p, (fs.constants || fs).R_OK) } catch (err) { return await renderScriptError(req, res, page, { code: 'ENOENT' }) } await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }, '/_next/static/:path*': async (req, res, params) => { // The commons folder holds commonschunk files // In development they don't have a hash, and shouldn't be cached by the browser. if (params.path[0] === 'commons') { if (this.dev) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, must-revalidate') } else { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable') } } const p = join(this.distDir, 'static', ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }, // It's very important keep this route's param optional. // (but it should support as many as params, seperated by '/') // Othewise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack. // See more: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/2617 '/_next/:path*': async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(__dirname, '..', 'client', ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) }, // It's very important keep this route's param optional. // (but it should support as many as params, seperated by '/') // Othewise this will lead to a pretty simple DOS attack. // See more: https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/2617 '/static/:path*': async (req, res, params) => { const p = join(this.dir, 'static', ...(params.path || [])) await this.serveStatic(req, res, p) } } if (this.nextConfig.useFileSystemPublicRoutes) { // Makes `next export` exportPathMap work in development mode. // So that the user doesn't have to define a custom server reading the exportPathMap if (this.dev && this.nextConfig.exportPathMap) { console.log('Defining routes from exportPathMap') const exportPathMap = await this.nextConfig.exportPathMap({}) // In development we can't give a default path mapping for (const path in exportPathMap) { const {page, query = {}} = exportPathMap[path] routes[path] = async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { query: urlQuery } = parsedUrl Object.keys(urlQuery) .filter(key => query[key] === undefined) .forEach(key => console.warn(`Url defines a query parameter '${key}' that is missing in exportPathMap`)) const mergedQuery = {...urlQuery, ...query} await this.render(req, res, page, mergedQuery, parsedUrl) } } } routes['/:path*'] = async (req, res, params, parsedUrl) => { const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl await this.render(req, res, pathname, query, parsedUrl) } } for (const method of ['GET', 'HEAD']) { for (const p of Object.keys(routes)) { this.router.add(method, p, routes[p]) } } } async start (port, hostname) { await this.prepare() this.http = http.createServer(this.getRequestHandler()) await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // This code catches EADDRINUSE error if the port is already in use this.http.on('error', reject) this.http.on('listening', () => resolve()) this.http.listen(port, hostname) }) } async run (req, res, parsedUrl) { if (this.hotReloader) { await this.hotReloader.run(req, res) } const fn = this.router.match(req, res, parsedUrl) if (fn) { await fn() return } if (req.method === 'GET' || req.method === 'HEAD') { await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } else { res.statusCode = 501 res.end(STATUS_CODES[501]) } } async render (req, res, pathname, query, parsedUrl) { if (isInternalUrl(req.url)) { return this.handleRequest(req, res, parsedUrl) } if (BLOCKED_PAGES.indexOf(pathname) !== -1) { return await this.render404(req, res, parsedUrl) } const html = await this.renderToHTML(req, res, pathname, query) if (isResSent(res)) { return } if (this.nextConfig.poweredByHeader) { res.setHeader('X-Powered-By', `Next.js ${pkg.version}`) } return sendHTML(req, res, html, req.method, this.renderOpts) } async renderToHTML (req, res, pathname, query) { if (this.dev) { const compilationErr = await this.getCompilationError() if (compilationErr) { res.statusCode = 500 return this.renderErrorToHTML(compilationErr, req, res, pathname, query) } } try { const out = await renderToHTML(req, res, pathname, query, this.renderOpts) return out } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { res.statusCode = 404 return this.renderErrorToHTML(null, req, res, pathname, query) } else { const {applySourcemaps} = require('./lib/source-map-support') await applySourcemaps(err) if (!this.quiet) console.error(err) res.statusCode = 500 return this.renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query) } } } async renderError (err, req, res, pathname, query) { const html = await this.renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query) return sendHTML(req, res, html, req.method, this.renderOpts) } async renderErrorToHTML (err, req, res, pathname, query) { if (this.dev) { const compilationErr = await this.getCompilationError() if (compilationErr) { res.statusCode = 500 return renderErrorToHTML(compilationErr, req, res, pathname, query, this.renderOpts) } } try { return await renderErrorToHTML(err, req, res, pathname, query, this.renderOpts) } catch (err2) { if (this.dev) { if (!this.quiet) console.error(err2) res.statusCode = 500 return renderErrorToHTML(err2, req, res, pathname, query, this.renderOpts) } else { throw err2 } } } async render404 (req, res, parsedUrl = parseUrl(req.url, true)) { const { pathname, query } = parsedUrl res.statusCode = 404 return this.renderError(null, req, res, pathname, query) } async serveStatic (req, res, path) { if (!this.isServeableUrl(path)) { return this.render404(req, res) } try { return await serveStatic(req, res, path) } catch (err) { if (err.code === 'ENOENT') { this.render404(req, res) } else { throw err } } } isServeableUrl (path) { const resolved = resolve(path) if ( resolved.indexOf(join(this.distDir) + sep) !== 0 && resolved.indexOf(join(this.dir, 'static') + sep) !== 0 ) { // Seems like the user is trying to traverse the filesystem. return false } return true } readBuildId () { const buildIdPath = join(this.distDir, BUILD_ID_FILE) const buildId = fs.readFileSync(buildIdPath, 'utf8') return buildId.trim() } handleBuildId (buildId, res) { if (this.dev) { res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'no-store, must-revalidate') return true } if (buildId !== this.renderOpts.buildId) { return false } res.setHeader('Cache-Control', 'public, max-age=31536000, immutable') return true } async getCompilationError () { if (!this.hotReloader) return const errors = await this.hotReloader.getCompilationErrors() if (!errors.size) return // Return the very first error we found. return Array.from(errors.values())[0][0] } send404 (res) { res.statusCode = 404 res.end('404 - Not Found') } }