Electron recommends to disable nodeIntegration in BrowserViews.
This PR follows this recommendation and updates the example accordingly.
- disable nodeIntegration
- update dependencies
* Rename page component's class name: Counter => Index, Counter => Other
* Rename counter component class name: AddCount => Counter
* Add counter actions `decrement` and `reset` same as with-redux example
* Modify page link by NavigateTo attr in Page component
* Modify license MIT => ISC same as others in package.json
* Modify README
* Installing only `babel-plugin-transform-decorators-legacy` didn't work
* It also needs to install `babel-plugin-transform-class-properties`
It's better that Counter behave not only `increment (add)` but also `decrement` or `reset`.
* Add decrement, reset handlers and rename add handler in `components/counter.js`
* Add increment, decrement, reset actions to `store.js`
* Rename page component class name: Counter => Index in `pages/index.js`
* Remove needless dispatch count event on getInitialProps in `pages/index.js`
* Format JSX to be readable in `pages/_app.js`
* Remove needless line from `components/examples.js`
* Remove needless spaces in `lib/with-redux-store.js`
The option `"decoratorsLegacy": true` seems mandatory, fails without it:
> The new decorators proposal is not supported yet. You must pass the `"decoratorsLegacy": true` option to @babel/preset-stage-0
Fixes the compilation error :
* ./clock in ./components/examples.js
ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: [CaseSensit
ivePathsPlugin] `/components/clock.js` does not matc
h the corresponding path on disk `Clock.js`.
This example gave me 404s on `pages/*.tsx` when using it with the latest nextjs (`5.1.0`) and `@zeit/next-typescript@0.0.11`. The latest next-typescript plugin version fixes it.
* Add new apollo example
* Update readme
* Update with-apollo to use _app.js
* Move withData to _app
* Make SSR work again
* Remove withData
* Use HOC to provide apolloClient
* Spread pageprops
With this setup we're compiling the .re/.ml files directly to source
directories with a .bs.js extension, and enabling next.js to pick up
that extension for pages.
* Added with-jest-typescript example with files and readme
* Updated package.json
As per the comment, updated the package.json so the info is same as in other examples.
* Proper name in package.json