* Improve with-sentry example
* remove nonexisting keys from request and update errorInfo handling
* readd query and pathname
* read query and params and add pathname and query to client
* moved the configuration from HOC to `_app.js`
* fixed the example, as `componentDidCatch` catches errors during rendering phase, but not within event handlers.
* Examples: clarify language around Yarn create & npx
* add missing READMEs and create-next-app usage
* suggest people tag jthegedus in firebase related issues
* add yarn alt instructions
* cerebraljs example readme & fixes
* remove global npm install of create-next-app
* add npx to create-next-app command in examples
* add bash to shell snippets
* add yarn create to next-app command in examples
* fix READMEs named with lowercase
* change READMEs to use UPPERCASE