* Remove babell-plugin-transform-react-constant-elements.
With this, our shared-modules example's counter won't work in
production mode. (as this plugin enabled)
So, we could see more issues like this.
That's why we don't need this at this time.
* Update package.json.
* Randomize the port returned from test util's findPort().
* Use http's server.listen() to bind to a random available port.
* Update yarn.lock
* Update yarn.lock
* Add babel-preset-2016 support.
This adds the support for Exponentiation operator (**)
* Use babel-preset-latest.
* Remove babel-plugin-transform-async-to-generator in favor of babel-plugin-latest
It has es2017 preset and it comes with the above plugin.
* Use jest-cli instead of gulp plugin.
* Use jest-cli instead of gulp plugin.
* Move fixtures into the examples dir.
* Move test code of example app to the basic example.
* Add isolated tests for server/resolve
* Allow tests to use cheerio.
* Use portfinder to get a unique port.
* Move back integration tests into the example dir.
* Introduce next-test-utils.
* Remove gulp-jest
* Add coveralls support.
* Use transpiled version of code in dist.
This is to make sure same file gets covered
by both unit/isolated tests and integration tests.
* Add support for source maps.
* Use code from dist always.
* Use nyc to stop instrument.
* Add integration test suite for production usage.
* Use jest-cli.
* Add support for running e2e tests.
* Check gzipPath with fs.stat before serving
Otherwise, serve package might throw issues other than ENOENT
* Install chromedriver with npm install.
* Install chrome on travis-ci.
* Add --forceExit to Jest.
* Run tests only on Node v6.
That's because selenium-webdriver only supports
Node 6 LTS.
* Use chromedriver NPM module to install chromedriver.
* Use wd as the webdriver client.
* Run chromedriver before tests.
* Run travis for both node 4 and 6
* Remove unwanted npm install script.
* Move some common text utilities to next-test-utils
* Add lint checks and testing in npm prepublish hook.
* Use npm on travis-ci.
We are having some caching issues with yarn and chromedriver.
* Make tests work on windows.\n But chromedriver doesn't work.
* Clean up dependencies.
* Run chromedriver in background without any tools.
* Fix a typo in the code.
* Use ES6 features used in node4 inside the gulpfile.
* Add some comments.
* Add support for running in windows.
* Stop chromedriver properly on windows.
* Fix typos.
* Write BUILD_ID when building.
It's a random id (uuid.v4())
* Add buildId to the core JS files.
* Add immutable cache-control header.
Only if the buildId is matched.
* Set '-' as the dev buildId always.
* Add buildId handling for JSON pages.
* Server JSON pages directly from the filesystem.
* Make Json pages even if there's an error.
* Implement much better page serving.
* Use JsonPagesPlugin in the production mode as well.
* Add gzip support for JSON pages.
* Use glob-promise instead of recursive-readdir
* Handle renderStatic 404 properly.
* Simply the gzip code.
* Cache already read JSON pages.
* Change JSON pages extension to .json.
* Fix HMR related issue.
* Fix hot-reload for .json solely on server.
* Properly clear cache on hot-reloader.
* Convert .js pages into .json page right inside the plugin.
* Fix gzipping .json pages.
* Remove unwanted json pages cleanup.
* Get rid of deprecated fs.exists for fs.access
* Add AOT gzip content-encoding support.
Currently we only do this for
main.js and commons.js only.
* Remove unwanted await.
* Use Promise.all to gzip assets in parallel.