I've updated the TypeScript dependency to the latest version. Also
removed some dependencies that may not be needed.
I've also fixed tslint errors which may have appeared because of
previous updates to this starter kit, as well as added comments
to explain some parts of the code.
The current `examples/with-typescript` is not using the latest type definitions currently available on DefinitelyTyped project for next.
Added new list page examples that demonstrate how to use the new Types for both stateless functional components and classes. Also modified examples for list to demonstrate typings for `getInitialProps`.
I wrote a [script](https://github.com/j0lv3r4/dependency-version-updater) to update dependencies recursively in `package.json` files, e.g.:
$ node index.js --path="./examples" --dependencies="react=^16.7.0,react-dom=^16.7.0"
This PR contains the result against the examples folder.
Updating to a more recent version of `@types/next` fixes an error I encountered while building a new app on top of the "with-typescript" example:
`Property `push` not found in SingletonRouter`
Additional context: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/issues/26665
To test, add a simple Router.push operation to the `pages/index.tsx`
import Router from 'next/router'
// ...
<span onClick={() => Router.push({ pathname: '/about' })}>TEST</span>
This example gave me 404s on `pages/*.tsx` when using it with the latest nextjs (`5.1.0`) and `@zeit/next-typescript@0.0.11`. The latest next-typescript plugin version fixes it.
* Added react and react-dom dependencies
Added missing `react` and `react-dom` dependencies which are required by next.js
* Moved react & react-dom to dependencies
Moved react & react-dom to dependencies from devDependencies
* TypeScript example proposal
* removed unused loader
Removed typings
Moved TypeScript to dev dependencies
removed unused typings
changed react typings version
removed react dependency
set next dependency version to latest
removed not needed babel preset
enabled sourcemaps
simplified tsconfig
modified component to be a functional one
* Ignore build
* Making npm script Windows-friendly
* Clean up
* Added readme
* fixed typo