* Allow custom clientBootstrap entrypoint
This allows for customization of the client global bootstrap.
* Expose render event emitter to client
* Include client entry point in npm package
* Propagate source maps through combine assets step
* Use constant development build id
* Move combine assets step before uglify step
This ensures that uglify will catch these changes.
* Move dynamic chunks step before uglify step
This ensures that uglify will catch these changes.
* Use chunk templates for page and dynamic chunks
This is a little more in line with how webpack generates its bootstrap and should have better compatibility with other plugins and source map generation.
* Register combined source map with chunks
This ensures that a sourcemap is fully generated.
* Do not minimize combined map inputs
* Add a configuration parameter to custom server startup
* Adding related documentation
* Do not access filesystem if configuration is supplied
* Make the configuration log clearer
* Make the conf default value to `null`
* Use babel-loader 7 beta.
This will get rid of the DeprecationWarning printed while
starting next.
Also this is the version recommened to use with Webpack 2.
* Update to the babel-loader-7
* Introduce script tag based page loading system.
* Call ensurePage only in the dev mode.
* Implement router using the page-loader.
* Fix a typo and remove unwanted code.
* Fix some issues related to rendering.
* Fix production tests.
* Fix ondemand test cases.
* Fix unit tests.
* Get rid of eval completely.
* Remove all the inline code.
* Remove the json-pages plugin.
* Remove some unwanted code.
* Load everything async.
* Remove lib/eval-script.js
We no longer need it.
* Move webpack idle wait code to the page-loader.
Because that's the place to do it.
* Remove pageNotFound key from the error.
* Remove unused error field 'buildError'
* Add much better logic to normalize routes.
* Get rid of mitt.
* Introduce a better way to register pages.
* Came back to the mitt() based page-loader.
* Add link rel=preload support.
* Add assetPrefix support to add support for CDNs.
* Add assetPrefix support for preload links.
* Update readme.md
* Update references to `.next`
* Remove console logs and extraneous semi colons
* Remove lint errors
* Update references to .next and update docs
* Update options from nested to flat with `distDir`
* Add integration tests, and update `.gitignore`
* Rename integration folder to dist-dir to match standards
This will isolate all the NPM modules into a single chunk.
That chunk won't touch by webpack unless, there's a new NPM module.
That gives us much better re-build performance.
This will isolate all the NPM modules into a single chunk.
That chunk won't touch by webpack unless, there's a new NPM module.
That gives us much better re-build performance.
* Fix HMR not working issue.
Our hot-reload code on the server has custom webpack error dectection logic.
Is supports only multi-modules entries.
So, we need to all entries as multi-module entries
even if there's just a single entry.
* Add a test case for showing errors over HMR.