Hello! I ran into an issue using typescript and jest with next 6.0.0. I was able to work through fixing it and I wanted to share my solution back to next.js, by upgrading the with-jest-typescript example to next 6.0.0.
The steps I followed were:
1. `npx babel-upgrade --write` which added babel-core@^7.0.0-bridge.0 to allow jest's babel 6 to play nice with next's babel 7
2. Remove `ts-jest` and replace with `babel-jest` to use babel to transform the typescript code, as is done when the dev and production builds run
3. Update the babelrc to use commonjs modules in test mode to be compatible with jest
Also, I removed the `NODE_ENV=test` on the jest task, because jest sets the env to test anyways, and I'm on windows where this code is incorrect. The other option is to use `cross-env` but I felt it was simpler to just remove the environment override.
To my knowledge, this PR would help on the following issues:
* Make router properties update when re-rendering
* Remove documentation about methods that have been deprecated since v2/v3
* Update next export documentation
For now, I just added `'article:tag'` so it could be duplicated if we need more we have to extend:
const ALLOWED_DUPLICATES = ['article:tag']
Previously we called this directory holding the pages/chunks for server rendering `.next/dist` instead of `.next/server` which is confusing both when looking at it and in the codebase, since there's also `distDir` as a configuration option.
Also made this a constant in `next/constants` so functionality using this can be easily found.
Allow `onClick` on `next/link` child. This should not be a breaking change, but it's a very useful feature. Real-life use cases include: analytics or closing menu on navigation, and other.
- [x] allow optional `onClick` on `next/link` component's child
- [x] call original `child.props.onClick(e)` before `this.linkClicked(e)`
- [x] add integration tests
- [x] cancel the navigation if `e.defaultPrevented === true`
This PR adds events for when there is a hash-only change in the URL. This is needed because `window.addEventListener('hashchange', ...)` does not work with next.js because it is using pushState.
This fixes the generated page chunk created by the webpack `pages-plugin` which adds a new line in the beginning of the template, when using `output.libraryTarget` set to be [`umd`](https://webpack.js.org/configuration/output/#module-definition-systems) it returns the module.
Consider the following example, which is the output with the previous implementation:
(function webpackUniversalModuleDefinition(root, factory) {
if(typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object')
module.exports = factory();
else if(typeof define === 'function' && define.amd)
define([], factory);
else if(typeof exports === 'object')
exports["MyLibrary"] = factory();
root["MyLibrary"] = factory();
})(typeof self !== 'undefined' ? self : this, function() {
`__NEXT_REGISTER_PAGE()` won't be executed since a `return` statement followed by a new line is the same as having a semicolon inserted right after the `return`. By removing the new line in the beginning of the source concatenation (which I suppose was added for stylistic reasons) this works as expected.
* Port Babel logic to new custom babel-loader for config injection.
* Update logic to also support babel.config.js configs.
* Add test for .babelrc
* Make inconsistent test work
* Don’t use chunkhash in development
* Add test for dynamic imports styling
* Remove pre-load of dynamic page
* Make sure the browser gets closed only once
* Update dependencies.
* Remove sending client prop to component on pages.
* Use withApollo correctly on components.
* Use `client.cache.reset()` instead of `prop.client.resetStore()`.
@adamsoffer @timneutkens
* with-firebase-hosting: update next.js 6, readme about customization
* now next.js 6 is on Babel 7, remove conflicting babel deps
* update Next Server/Cloud Function .babelrc config
* update other deps: Cloud Functions to 1.x.x etc
* rm install-deps script as it is no longer used on deployment (firebase does not upload node_modules)
* make scripts consistent in their wrapping of dirs with \" (escaped double quotes)
* with-firebase-hosting: pin next to "latest" version
* with-firebase-hosting: fix lint errors
Adds an example based off of @jthegedus work on firebase hosting, compatible with next v6 and using typescript in both the firebase functions and the next app.