Prior to react-apollo 2.0 createNetworkInterface accepted the credentials option in {opt: {credentials: 'policy'}}. HttpLink accepts it as {credentials: 'policy'}.
This has never been working, we based our intl + locale lookups out of this example and found out when translations wasn't working on page transitions due to the fact that messages gets set to undefined because its trying to destruct in the incorrect level
* example with-noscript use next@latest
* fix : example/with-noscript react-dom/server usage
Since the update to react ^16.0.0 react-dom import location has changed
* [fix] with-apollo: Cannot read property 'data'
When we create the initial serverState, we need to create the
eventual construct of the Apollo Data to reside within
Later in the constructor this allows for the initApollo to either
be generated from SSR, or to init from scratch.
> Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
> TypeError: Cannot read property 'data' of undefined
* [refactor] with-apollo: reduce init `serverState`
No need to explicitly set `data` as empty.
This trims up 4 lines. 😀️
* Support de-deduping head tags by setting key
* move dedupe logic to `unique` function
* fix head tag deduping logic
* remove console.log
* use `toContain` assertions
* update de-duping head tags section in README
* Allow custom clientBootstrap entrypoint
This allows for customization of the client global bootstrap.
* Expose render event emitter to client
* Include client entry point in npm package
* Propagate source maps through combine assets step
* Use constant development build id
* Move combine assets step before uglify step
This ensures that uglify will catch these changes.
* Move dynamic chunks step before uglify step
This ensures that uglify will catch these changes.
* Use chunk templates for page and dynamic chunks
This is a little more in line with how webpack generates its bootstrap and should have better compatibility with other plugins and source map generation.
* Register combined source map with chunks
This ensures that a sourcemap is fully generated.
* Do not minimize combined map inputs
* Updated dependencies related to Apollo and React.
* Updated libs with Apollo 2 new set of modules.
* Updated to Apollo 2 react integration modules.
* Updated withData to separate apollo state from the app's state.