* Using developit/unfetch as the Fetch API polyfill
* Added the replace prop into the Link component
* Added integration test for replace prop on Link component
* Add support for URL objects in Link and Router
* Fix typo in comment
* Fix possible bug if the `href` prop is `null`
* Document the usage of URL objects in Link and Router
* Update readme.md
* Parse URL to get the host & hostname in `isLocal`
This should check if the current location and the checked URL have the same `host` or `hostname`.
* Format `as` parameter from object to string if required
* Format `href` and `as` inside the construct and componentWillReceiveProps
* Use `JSON.stringify` to compare objects
* Add usage example
* chore(package): update chromedriver to version 2.28.0 (#1386)
* Refactor the codebase a bit.
* Change the example name.
* Add a few test cases.
* Add the example to the README.
* Implement a very simple prefetching solution.
* Remove next-prefetcher.
* Require 'whatwg-fetch' only in the client.
* Use xhr in the code.
* Use a simple fetching solution.
* Fix 404 and xhr status issue.
* Move the prefetching implementation to next/router.
* Add deprecated warnning for next/prefetch
* Run only 2 parellel prefetching request at a time.
* Change xhr to jsonPageRes.
* Improve the prefetching logic.
* Add unit tests covering the Router.prefetch()
* Update examples to use the new syntax.
* Update docs.
* Use execOnce() to manage warn printing.
* Remove prefetcher building from the flyfile.js
Because, we no longer use it.
* Allow any element to be rendered under Link
* Use Children.only instead of Children.map
* Remove check for multiple children since we already throw at 2+
* Clean up variables
* Immplement the initial singleton Router.
* Use the new SingletonRouter for HMR error handling.
* Use SingletonRouter inside the Link.
* Create an example app using the Router.
* Make the url parameter optional in Router.push and Router.replace
* Add a section about next/router in the README.
* Register the service worker.
* Update prefetcher code to do prefetching.
* Implement the core prefetching API.
support "import <Link>, { prefetch } from 'next/prefetch'"
* Implement a better communication system with the service worker.
* Add a separate example for prefetching
* Fix some typos.
* Initiate service worker support even prefetching is not used.
This is pretty important since initiating will reset the cache.
If we don't do this, it's possible to have old cached resources
after the user decided to remove all of the prefetching logic.
In this case, even the page didn't prefetch it'll use the
previously cached pages. That because of there might be a already running
service worker.
* Use url module to get pathname.
* Move prefetcher code to the client from pages
Now we also do a webpack build for the prefetcher code.
* Add prefetching docs to the README.md
* Fix some typo.
* Register service worker only if asked to prefetch
We also clean the cache always, even we initialize
the service worker or not.