* Add support for custom App and Component enhancers
* Add ctx.renderPage test
* Add tests for single enhancer function
* Cleanup renderPage options check
* Cleanup
* Add comment about backwards compatibility for renderPage
* Add more test cases
I can't use a functional component with `_document.js`.
[is-react](https://www.npmjs.com/package/is-react) can be used for another potential implementation of the warning logic, but maybe relying on `React.createElement()` internal checks is enough.
Tests explain it the best:
describe('development mode (no chunkhash)', () => {
it('should strip the extension from the filename', () => {
const filename = 'foo_bar_0123456789abcdef.js'
expect(getChunkNameFromFilename(filename, true)).toBe('foo_bar_0123456789abcdef')
it('should only strip the extension even if there\'s a hyphen in the name', () => {
const filename = 'foo-bar-0123456789abcdef.js'
expect(getChunkNameFromFilename(filename, true)).toBe('foo-bar-0123456789abcdef')
describe('production mode (with chunkhash)', () => {
it('should strip the hash from the filename', () => {
const filename = 'foo_bar_0123456789abcdef-0123456789abcdef.js'
expect(getChunkNameFromFilename(filename, false)).toBe('foo_bar_0123456789abcdef')
it('should only strip the part after the last hyphen in the filename', () => {
const filename = 'foo-bar-0123456789abcdef-0123456789abcdef.js'
expect(getChunkNameFromFilename(filename, false)).toBe('foo-bar-0123456789abcdef')
Previously we called this directory holding the pages/chunks for server rendering `.next/dist` instead of `.next/server` which is confusing both when looking at it and in the codebase, since there's also `distDir` as a configuration option.
Also made this a constant in `next/constants` so functionality using this can be easily found.
When running some tests, I noticed that Akamai was still caching the
response for render errors for some reason. Honestly, I would've
thought that `no-store, must-revalidate` would be enough to prevent
the CDN from caching it.
That being said, MDN's documentation on [Cache-Control] has a section
called ["Preventing Caching"] and recommends also using the `no-cache`
Given the definitions provided for `no-cache` and `no-store`, I can't
tell much of a difference between these two. But I _do_ know that,
for whatever reason, Akamai seems to respect the `no-cache` value for
this header.
[Cache-Control]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control
["Preventing Caching"]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control#Preventing_caching
* Handle production errors correctly
* Improved source map support
* Make react-hot-loader hold state again
* Remove console.log
* Load modules on demand
* Catch errors in rewriteErrorTrace
* Update comment
* Update comment
* Remove source-map-support
* Load modules in next-dev
* Make sure error logged has sourcemaps too
* Add tests for production runtime errors
* Add tests for development runtime errors. Fix issue with client side errors in development
* Move functionality back to renderError now that error handling is consistent
* Rename to applySourcemaps
* Expose pages/_app.js
* Add tests for _app and _document
* Uncomment deprecation warnings
* Add documentation for _app, improve documentation of _document
* Update docs / test for _document
* Add _document to client compiler in development
* Add missing app.js to comment
* Only warn once
* Add url-deprecated error page
* Combine tests
* Yse same message for all methods of ‘props.url’
* Update docs around _app
* Update documentation
* Quotes
* Update table of contents
* Add build manifest
* Split out css since they don’t have exact name
* Remove pages map
* Fix locations test
* Re-run tests
* Get consistent open ports
* Fix static tests
* Add comment about Cache-Control header
* Allow etags to be disabled with config option
- CR Change: Rename option to generateEtags
- CR Change: Add tests for etag generation
- CR Change: Refactor to use next.config.js
- Update documentation
* Use renderOpts instead of passing nextConfig
* Removed combine-assets-plugin, since its very broken
* Bundle everything into app.js on production build
* Clean up
* Removed app.js from server routes
* Renamed app.js -> main.js and removed commons from loading
* Remove commons and react CommonChunks
* Removed the commons route
* Killing the entire build-stats hack for app.js
* Removed unused md5-file package
* Add next/config
* Set config on server start / client render
* Add documentation for next/config
* Add next/config support for next export
* Fix test
* Use the correct name
* Set default to empty object on the client side
* Add config tests
* Rename config to runtimeConfig
* Remove special error script handling.
As a result of that, we can't detect 500 errors and buildIdMismatch via client side.
* Fix failing test cases.
* Refactor the code base.
* Remove Router.onAppUpdated
* Render error on the client without fetching additional scripts.
* Fix test cases.
* Remove unused '_document' page in ensurePage logic
* Remove console.error when page is not found
* Make page require faster
* Add windows search/replace
* Use normalize instead of resolve
* Add remaining tests
* Use sep instead of /
* Add test files
* Make component require faster
* Add console.error
* Speed up next build
* Document webpack config
* Speed up next build
* Remove comment
* Add comment
* Clean up rules
* Add comments
* Run in parallel
* Push plugins seperately
* Create a new chunk for react
* Don’t uglify react since it’s already uglified. Move react to commons in development
* Use the minified version directly
* Re-add globpattern
* Move loaders into a separate variable
* Add comment linking to Dan’s explanation
* Remove dot
* Add universal webpack
* Initial dev support
* Fix linting
* Add changes from Arunoda's work
* Made next dev works.
But super slow and no HMR support.
* Fix client side hot reload
* Server side hmr
* Only in dev
* Add on-demand-entries client + hot-middleware
* Add .babelrc support
* Speed up on demand entries by running in parallel
* Serve static generated files
* Add missing config in dev
* Add sass support
* Add support for .map
* Add cssloader config and fix .jsx support
* Rename
* use same defaults as css-loader. Fix linting
* Add NoEmitErrorsPlugin
* Add clientBootstrap
* Use webpackhotmiddleware on the multi compiler
* alpha.3
* Use babel 16.2.x
* Fix reloading after error
* Remove comment
* Release 5.0.0-univeral-alpha.1
* Remove check for React 16
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.2
* React hot loader v4
* Use our static file rendering machanism to serve pages.
This should work well since the file path for a page is predictable.
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.3
* Remove optional loaders
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.4
* Remove clientBootstrap
* Remove renderScript
* Make sure pages bundles are served correctly
* Remove unused import
* Revert to using the same code as canary
* Fix hot loader
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.5
* Check if externals dir exist before applying config
* Add typescript support
* Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules
Thanks to @giuseppeg’s work in https://github.com/zeit/next.js/pull/3319
* Make sourcemaps in production opt-in
* Revert "Add support for transpiling certain packages in node_modules"
This reverts commit d4b1d9babfb4b9ed4f4b12d56d52dee233e862da.
In favor of a better api around this.
* Support typescript through next.config.js
* Remove comments
* Bring back commons.js calculation
* Remove unused dependencies
* Move base.config.js to webpack.js
* Make sure to only invalidate webpackDevMiddleware one after other.
* Allow babel-loder caching by default.
* Add comment about preact support
* Bring back buildir replace
* Remove obsolete plugin
* Remove build replace, speed up build
* Resolve page entries like pages/day/index.js to pages/day.js
* Add componentDidCatch back
* Compile to bundles
* Use config.distDir everywhere
* Make sure the file is an array
* Remove console.log
* Apply optimization to uglifyjs
* Add comment pointing to source
* Create entries the same way in dev and production
* Remove unused and broken pagesGlobPattern
* day/index.js is automatically turned into day.js at build time
* Remove poweredByHeader option
* Load pages with the correct path.
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.6
* Make sure react-dom/server can be overwritten by module-alias
* Only add react-hot-loader babel plugin in dev
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.7
* Revert tests
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.10
* Make sure next/head is working properly.
* Add wepack alias for 'next' back.
* Make sure overriding className in next/head works
* Alias react too
* Add missing r
* Fragment fallback has to wrap the children
* Use min.js
* Remove css.js
* Remove wallaby.js
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.11
* Resolve relative to workdir instead of next
* Make sure we touch the right file
* Resolve next modules
* Remove dotjsx removal plugins since we use webpack on the server
* Revert "Resolve relative to workdir instead of next"
This reverts commit a13f3e4ab565df9e2c9a3dfc8eb4009c0c2e02ed.
* Externalize any locally loaded module lives outside of app dir.
* Remove server aliases
* Check node_modules reliably
* Add symlink to next for tests
* Make sure dynamic imports work locally.
This is why we need it: b545b519b2/lib/MainTemplate.js (L68)
We need to have the finally clause in the above in __webpack_require__.
webpack output option strictModuleExceptionHandling does that.
* dynmaic -> dynamic
* Remove webpack-node-externals
* Make sure dynamic imports support SSR.
* Remove css support in favor of next-css
* Make sure we load path from `/` since it’s included in the path matching
* Catch when ensurepage couldn’t be fulfilled for `.js.map`
* Register require cache flusher for both client and server
* Add comment explaining this is to facilitate hot reloading
* Only load module when needed
* Remove unused modules
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.12
* Only log the `found babel` message once
* Make sure ondemand entries working correctly.
Now we are just using a single instance of OnDemandEntryHandler.
* Better sourcemaps
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.13
* Lock uglify version to 1.1.6
* Release 5.0.0-universal-alpha.14
* Fix a typo.
* Introduce multi-zones support for mircofrontends
* Add section on css
* Use without .js for the filename.
* Modify the chunk filename to add .js via webpack
* Add import chunk's hash to the filename via webpack.
* Remove buildId from dynamic import urls.
* Make sure next-export work with dynamic imports
* Propagate source maps through combine assets step
* Use constant development build id
* Move combine assets step before uglify step
This ensures that uglify will catch these changes.
* Move dynamic chunks step before uglify step
This ensures that uglify will catch these changes.
* Use chunk templates for page and dynamic chunks
This is a little more in line with how webpack generates its bootstrap and should have better compatibility with other plugins and source map generation.
* Register combined source map with chunks
This ensures that a sourcemap is fully generated.
* Do not minimize combined map inputs
* Always check with the fs when gettings chunks.
* Add a new set of test cases for dynamic imports in dev.
* Add dynamic import test cases for production.
* Add availableChunks support for static exports.