I wrote a [script](https://github.com/j0lv3r4/dependency-version-updater) to update dependencies recursively in `package.json` files, e.g.:
$ node index.js --path="./examples" --dependencies="react=^16.7.0,react-dom=^16.7.0"
This PR contains the result against the examples folder.
The existing example currently does not work because of outdated usage patterns. This PR seeks to update these patterns to the latest recommended best practice while bumping versions.
# Summary
- Bumped version numbers in `package.json`;
- Moved `<link />` tag from `pages/index.js` to `pages/_document.js` as is [recommended](https://github.com/zeit/next-plugins/tree/master/packages/next-css#usage);
- Replace individual css/font imports with import of minified CSS as is [recommended](https://react.semantic-ui.com/usage#semantic-ui-css-package);
- Removed prop (no longer used) from `<List />` element.