We use [glamor](https://github.com/threepointone/glamor) to provide a great built-in solution for CSS isolation and modularization without trading off any CSS features
Note: we recommend putting `.next` in `.npmignore` or `.gitignore`. Otherwise, use `files` or `now.files` to opt-into a whitelist of files you want to deploy (and obviously exclude `.next`)
If you want to create re-usable React components that you can embed in your Next.js app or other React applications, using `create-react-app` is a great idea. You can later `import` it and keep your codebase clean!
`next/css` is powered by [Glamor](https://github.com/threepointone/glamor). While it exposes a JavaScript API, it produces regular CSS and therefore important features like `:hover`, animations, media queries all work.
**Please note**: we are very interested in supporting regular CSS, since it's so much easier to write and already familiar. To that end, we're currently exploring the possibility of leveraging Shadow DOM to avoid the entire CSS parsing and mangling step [[#22](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/22)]
This results in better compilation performance and less memory usage (especially for large projects). No `cssom`, `postcss`, `cssnext` or transformation plugins.
This is important for server-side rendering, but also during the lifecycle of the page. Since Next.js enables `pushState` transitions that load components dynamically, unnecessary `<style>` elements would bring down performance over time.
While these are tractable for CSS itself, we don’t need to duplicate the efforts in tooling and libraries to accomplish them.
<summary>What syntactic features are transpiled? How do I change them?</summary>
We track V8. Since V8 has wide support for ES6 and `async` and `await`, we transpile those. Since V8 doesn’t support class decorators, we don’t transpile those.
- Top-level components can define `getInitialProps` that should _block_ the loading of the route (either when server-rendering or lazy-loading)
As a result, we were able to introduce a very simple approach to routing that consists of two pieces:
- Every top level component receives a `url` object to inspect the url or perform modifications to the history
- A `<Link />` component is used to wrap elements like anchors (`<a/>`) to perform client-side transitions
We tested the flexibility of the routing with some interesting scenarios. For an example, check out [nextgram](https://github.com/zeit/nextgram).
<summary>How do I define a custom fancy route?</summary>
We’re adding the ability to map between an arbitrary URL and any component by supplying a request handler: [#25](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/issues/25)
On the client side, we'll add a parameter to `<Link>` so that it _decorates_ the URL differently from the URL it _fetches_.
<summary>How do I fetch data?</summary>
It’s up to you. `getInitialProps` is an `async` function (or a regular function that returns a `Promise`). It can retrieve data from anywhere.
If you’re building a very small mostly-content website, you still want to benefit from features like lazy-loading, a component architecture and module bundling.
But in some cases, the size of React itself would far exceed the content of the page!
For this reason we want to promote a situation where users can share the cache for the basic runtime across internet properties. The application code continues to load from your server as usual.
We are committed to providing a great uptime and levels of security for our CDN. Even so, we also **automatically fall back** if the CDN script fails to load [with a simple trick](http://www.hanselman.com/blog/CDNsFailButYourScriptsDontHaveToFallbackFromCDNToLocalJQuery.aspx).
To turn the CDN off, just set `{ “next”: { “cdn”: false } }` in `package.json`.
<summary>What is this inspired by?</summary>
Many of the goals we set out to accomplish were the ones listed in [The 7 principles of Rich Web Applications](http://rauchg.com/2014/7-principles-of-rich-web-applications/) by Guillermo Rauch.
The ease-of-use of PHP is a great inspiration. We feel Next.js is a suitable replacement for many scenarios where you otherwise would use PHP to output HTML.
Unlike PHP, we benefit from the ES6 module system and every file exports a **component or function** that can be easily imported for lazy evaluation or testing.
As we were researching options for server-rendering React that didn’t involve a large number of steps, we came across [react-page](https://github.com/facebookarchive/react-page) (now deprecated), a similar approach to Next.js by the creator of React Jordan Walke.
## Future directions
The following issues are currently being explored and input from the community is appreciated: