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This example serves as a conduit if you were using Apollo 1.X with Redux, and are migrating to Apollo 2.x, however, you have chosen not to manage your entire application state within Apollo (`apollo-link-state`).
In 2.0.0, Apollo severs out-of-the-box support for redux in favor of Apollo's state management. This example aims to be an amalgamation of the [`with-apollo`](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/master/examples/with-apollo) and [`with-redux`](https://github.com/zeit/next.js/tree/master/examples/with-redux) examples.
In these *with-apollo* examples, the ```withData()``` HOC must wrap a top-level component from within the ```pages``` directory. Wrapping a child component with the HOC will result in a ```Warning: Failed prop type: The prop 'serverState' is marked as required in 'WithData(Apollo(Component))', but its value is 'undefined'``` error. Down-tree child components will have access to Apollo, and can be wrapped with any other sort of ```graphql()```, ```compose()```, etc HOC's.