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## The idea behind the example
Next.js lets you prefetch the JS code of another page just adding the `prefetch` prop to `next/link`. This can help you avoid the download time a new page you know beforehand the user is most probably going to visit.
In the example we'll extend the `Link` component to also run the `getInitialProps` (if it's defined) of the new page and save the resulting props on cache. When the user visits the page it will load the props from cache and avoid any request.
It uses `sessionStorage` as cache but it could be replaced with any other more specialized system. Like IndexedDB or just an in-memory API with a better cache strategy to prune old cache and force new fetching.
> This example is based on the [ScaleAPI article explaining this same technique](https://www.scaleapi.com/blog/increasing-the-performance-of-dynamic-next-js-websites).
**Note**: it only works in production environment. In development Next.js just avoid doing the prefetch.