377 lines
15 KiB
377 lines
15 KiB
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
var BaseException = (function () {
function BaseException(message, code, custom) {
this.message = message;
this.code = code;
this.custom = custom;
BaseException.prototype.GetCode = function () {
return this.code;
BaseException.prototype.GetMessage = function () {
return this.message;
BaseException.prototype.GetCustom = function () {
return this.custom;
return BaseException;
Typertext.BaseException = BaseException;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
var GenericResponse = (function () {
function GenericResponse(status, responseHeaderGetter, httpResponseCode, responseBody) {
this.status = status;
this.headers = responseHeaderGetter;
this.httpStatus = httpResponseCode;
this.content = responseBody;
GenericResponse.prototype.GetContent = function () {
return this.content;
GenericResponse.prototype.GetContentType = function () {
return this.GetHeader("Content-Type");
GenericResponse.prototype.GetHeader = function (name) {
return this.headers(name);
GenericResponse.prototype.GetHttpStatus = function () {
return this.httpStatus;
GenericResponse.prototype.GetStatus = function () {
return this.status;
return GenericResponse;
Typertext.GenericResponse = GenericResponse;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var __extends = this.__extends || function (d, b) {
for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p];
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
__.prototype = b.prototype;
d.prototype = new __();
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
var HttpException = (function (_super) {
__extends(HttpException, _super);
function HttpException() {
_super.apply(this, arguments);
return HttpException;
Http.HttpException = HttpException;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
(function (HttpMethod) {
HttpMethod[HttpMethod["GET"] = 0] = "GET";
HttpMethod[HttpMethod["POST"] = 1] = "POST";
})(Http.HttpMethod || (Http.HttpMethod = {}));
var HttpMethod = Http.HttpMethod;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
(function (HttpProtocol) {
HttpProtocol[HttpProtocol["http"] = 0] = "http";
HttpProtocol[HttpProtocol["https"] = 1] = "https";
})(Http.HttpProtocol || (Http.HttpProtocol = {}));
var HttpProtocol = Http.HttpProtocol;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
var HttpRequest = (function () {
function HttpRequest() {
HttpRequest.prototype.Get = function (request, callback) {
this.RawRequest(0 /* GET */, request, {}, callback);
HttpRequest.prototype.Post = function (request, postData, callback) {
this.RawRequest(1 /* POST */, request, postData, callback);
HttpRequest.prototype.RawRequest = function (method, request, postData, callback) {
if (typeof postData === "undefined") { postData = {}; }
if (typeof callback === "undefined") { callback = function (c) {
}; }
var noop = function (i) {
return "";
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
var getHeader = function (name) {
return xhr.getResponseHeader(name);
if (xhr.status == 200) {
callback(new Typertext.Http.HttpResponse(0 /* success */, getHeader, xhr.status, xhr.responseText));
} else if (xhr.status >= 400 && xhr.status < 500) {
throw new Typertext.Http.HttpException("The server returned an error response state", xhr.status, new Typertext.Http.HttpResponse(2 /* clientError */, getHeader, xhr.status, xhr.responseText));
} else if (xhr.status >= 500 && xhr.status < 600) {
throw new Typertext.Http.HttpException("The server returned an error response state", xhr.status, new Typertext.Http.HttpResponse(1 /* serverError */, getHeader, xhr.status, xhr.responseText));
throw new Typertext.Http.HttpException("An unknown error has occurred", -2, new Typertext.Http.HttpResponse(4 /* unknownError */, getHeader, xhr.status, xhr.responseText));
xhr.ontimeout = function () {
throw new Typertext.Http.HttpException("The server took too long to respond to our request", -1, new Typertext.Http.HttpResponse(5 /* timeout */, noop, -1, ""));
xhr.open(Typertext.Http.HttpMethod[method], request.ToString(), true);
if (method == 0 /* GET */) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
return HttpRequest;
Http.HttpRequest = HttpRequest;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
var HttpResponse = (function (_super) {
__extends(HttpResponse, _super);
function HttpResponse(status, responseHeaderGetter, httpResponseCode, responseBody) {
_super.call(this, status, responseHeaderGetter, httpResponseCode, responseBody);
return HttpResponse;
Http.HttpResponse = HttpResponse;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
(function (HttpResponseStatus) {
HttpResponseStatus[HttpResponseStatus["success"] = 0] = "success";
HttpResponseStatus[HttpResponseStatus["serverError"] = 1] = "serverError";
HttpResponseStatus[HttpResponseStatus["clientError"] = 2] = "clientError";
HttpResponseStatus[HttpResponseStatus["responseError"] = 3] = "responseError";
HttpResponseStatus[HttpResponseStatus["unknownError"] = 4] = "unknownError";
HttpResponseStatus[HttpResponseStatus["timeout"] = 5] = "timeout";
})(Http.HttpResponseStatus || (Http.HttpResponseStatus = {}));
var HttpResponseStatus = Http.HttpResponseStatus;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Http) {
var HttpUrl = (function () {
function HttpUrl(domain, protocol, path, queryString, port) {
if (typeof protocol === "undefined") { protocol = 0 /* http */; }
if (typeof path === "undefined") { path = "/"; }
if (typeof queryString === "undefined") { queryString = {}; }
if (typeof port === "undefined") { port = 0; }
if (port < 1 || port > 65535 || isNaN(port)) {
port = HttpUrl.DefaultPort(protocol);
if (path.indexOf("/") != 0) {
path = "/" + path;
this.domain = domain;
this.protocol = protocol;
this.path = path;
this.queryString = queryString;
this.port = port;
HttpUrl.DefaultPort = function (protocol) {
switch (protocol) {
case 0 /* http */:
return 80;
case 1 /* https */:
return 443;
return -1;
HttpUrl.FromUrl = function (location) {
var l = document.createElement("a");
l.href = location;
return new HttpUrl(l.hostname, Typertext.Http.HttpProtocol[l.protocol.slice(0, -1)], l.pathname, HttpUrl.DecodeQueryString(l.search), parseInt(l.port));
HttpUrl.DecodeQueryString = function (queryString) {
if (queryString.indexOf("?") == 0) {
queryString = queryString.substring(1);
return HttpUrl.UrlDecodeString(queryString);
HttpUrl.EncodeQueryString = function (query) {
var rs = "?" + HttpUrl.UrlEncodeObject(query);
return ((rs.length == 1) ? "" : rs);
HttpUrl.UrlEncodeObject = function (data) {
var rs = "";
var temp;
for (temp in data) {
rs += encodeURIComponent(temp) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(data[temp]) + "&";
return rs.slice(0, -1);
HttpUrl.UrlDecodeString = function (queryString) {
var returnValue = {}, params = HttpUrl.splitString(queryString, "&");
for (var i = 0; i < params.length; i++) {
if (params[i] == "") {
var param = HttpUrl.splitString(params[i], "=", 2);
var key = decodeURIComponent(param[0]);
if (param.length == 1) {
returnValue[key] = "";
returnValue[key] = decodeURIComponent(param[1]);
return returnValue;
HttpUrl.splitString = function (input, separator, limit) {
if (typeof limit === "undefined") { limit = -1; }
var chunks = input.split(separator);
if (limit > 0 && chunks.length > limit) {
var ret = chunks.splice(0, limit);
return ret;
return chunks;
HttpUrl.prototype.ToString = function () {
return Typertext.Http.HttpProtocol[this.protocol] + "://" + this.domain + ((this.port == HttpUrl.DefaultPort(this.protocol)) ? "" : ":" + this.port) + this.path + HttpUrl.EncodeQueryString(this.queryString);
return HttpUrl;
Http.HttpUrl = HttpUrl;
})(Typertext.Http || (Typertext.Http = {}));
var Http = Typertext.Http;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Json) {
var JsonException = (function (_super) {
__extends(JsonException, _super);
function JsonException(message, code) {
_super.call(this, message, code, null);
return JsonException;
Json.JsonException = JsonException;
})(Typertext.Json || (Typertext.Json = {}));
var Json = Typertext.Json;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Json) {
var HttpRequest = Typertext.Http.HttpRequest;
var HttpResponseStatus = Typertext.Http.HttpResponseStatus;
var HttpMethod = Typertext.Http.HttpMethod;
var JsonRequest = (function () {
function JsonRequest(jsonContentType) {
if (typeof jsonContentType === "undefined") { jsonContentType = "application/json"; }
this.request = new HttpRequest();
this.jsonType = jsonContentType;
JsonRequest.prototype.Get = function (request, callback) {
this.RawRequest(0 /* GET */, request, {}, callback);
JsonRequest.prototype.Post = function (request, postData, callback) {
this.RawRequest(1 /* POST */, request, postData, callback);
JsonRequest.prototype.RawRequest = function (method, request, postData, callback) {
var _this = this;
if (typeof postData === "undefined") { postData = {}; }
if (typeof callback === "undefined") { callback = function (c) {
}; }
this.request.RawRequest(method, request, postData, function (response) {
if (response.GetContentType() != _this.jsonType) {
callback(new Typertext.Json.JsonResponse(3 /* responseError */));
try {
} catch (e) {
throw new Typertext.Json.JsonException("Json parse exception", -1);
return JsonRequest;
Json.JsonRequest = JsonRequest;
})(Typertext.Json || (Typertext.Json = {}));
var Json = Typertext.Json;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
var Typertext;
(function (Typertext) {
(function (Json) {
var JsonResponse = (function (_super) {
__extends(JsonResponse, _super);
function JsonResponse(status, responseHeaderGetter, httpResponseCode, responseBody) {
_super.call(this, status, responseHeaderGetter, httpResponseCode, responseBody);
JsonResponse.fromHttpResponse = function (httpResponse) {
return new JsonResponse(httpResponse.GetStatus(), httpResponse.GetHeader, httpResponse.GetHttpStatus(), window["JSON"].parse(httpResponse.GetContent()));
return JsonResponse;
Json.JsonResponse = JsonResponse;
})(Typertext.Json || (Typertext.Json = {}));
var Json = Typertext.Json;
})(Typertext || (Typertext = {}));
//# sourceMappingURL=typertext.js.map