require 'rails_helper'
RSpec.describe MediaAttachment, type: :model do
describe 'animated gif conversion' do
let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('avatar.gif')) }
it 'sets type to gifv' do
expect(media.type).to eq 'gifv'
it 'converts original file to mp4' do
expect(media.file_content_type).to eq 'video/mp4'
describe 'non-animated gif non-conversion' do
let(:media) { MediaAttachment.create(account: Fabricate(:account), file: attachment_fixture('attachment.gif')) }
it 'sets type to image' do
expect(media.type).to eq 'image'
it 'leaves original file as-is' do
expect(media.file_content_type).to eq 'image/gif'