Updated Words from SeaweedFS Users (markdown)

Chris Lu 2021-03-03 10:55:45 -08:00
parent 5c42106882
commit 76c99ccab2

@ -9,3 +9,5 @@
| It is archiving and serving more than 40,000 images on a webapp I built for the small team I work with. | I am not a large user whatsoever but I've been using SeaweedFS for a few years now. I run SeaweedFS on two machines and it serves all images I host. | It has been simple, reliable, and robust. I really like it and hope if one of my side projects ever take off at some point, I get to test it with a much bigger load.|
| We are serving and storing mostly user-uploaded images.| We are running SeaweedFS successfully in production for a few years. around 100TB. we scale regularly, though we usually only add nodes. We are slowly approaching 100 seaweed nodes. We are running in k8s on local SSD storage, managing failures is easy this way. | It works surprisingly stable and the maintainer is usually responsive when we encounter issues. We're running across multiple nodes. Removing and adding volume servers is pretty simple. You can manually fix replication via a cli command after adding/removing a node. |
| [京东登月平台基础架构](https://gist.github.com/baymaxium/ccf6a234835ad9a9cb9178fc140d7e4d) 将图片和识别结果保存下来,用作训练数据 | SeaweedFS的设计思想源于Facebook的Haystack论文架构和原理都很简单性能极好部署和维护也很方便。SeaweedFS对外提供REST接口结合它的filer服务可实现目录管理我们在此基础上实现了批量上传和下载功能。SeaweedFS具有rack-aware和datacenter-aware功能可根据集群的拓扑结构节点在机架和数据中心的分布情况实现更可靠的数据冗余策略。目前登月平台上很多图像服务已经接入SeaweedFS每天存储的图片数量达到600万张存储量以每天30G的速度增长。 | Glusterfs虽然性能很好却不适合存储海量小文件因为它只在宏观上对数据分布作了优化却没在微观上对文件IO作优化。登月平台上大多数前向服务都是图像识别应用需要将图片和识别结果保存下来用作训练数据进行算法的迭代优化。我们在调研之后采用了SeaweedFS作为小文件存储系统。 |
|My use case is pretty small-scale and it is basically used as a storage backend of a few of my personal self-hosted services. |I have 6 nodes in a cluster, most of which are cheap storage VPSes I got on sale during the holiday season, and thanks to replication and erasure coding I don't need to worry too much about one or two of them breaking or stopping service. In terms of traffic, I think most traffic is handled via a CDN frontend so I don't think a lot of requests actually hit the cluster. | I migrated to seaweedfs as a replacement of S3-compatible storage services (previously I used Wasabi) due to their cost (and some, like Scaleway Object Storage, perform badly when there are a lot of small objects, which is my case). |