Created Filer Server API (markdown)

Chris Lu 2017-01-25 09:28:48 -08:00
parent eb286d63a1
commit 7691a2543c

101 Normal file

@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
You can append to any HTTP API with &pretty=y to see a formatted json output.
## Filer server
### POST/PUT/Get files
# Basic Usage:
//create or overwrite the file, the directories /path/to will be automatically created
POST /path/to/file
//get the file content
GET /path/to/file
//create or overwrite the file, the filename in the multipart request will be used
POST /path/to/
//return a json format subdirectory and files listing
GET /path/to/
# Basic Usage:
> curl -F file=@report.js "http://localhost:8888/javascript/"
> curl "http://localhost:8888/javascript/report.js" # get the file content
> curl -F file=@report.js "http://localhost:8888/javascript/new_name.js" # upload the file with a different name
> curl "http://localhost:8888/javascript/?pretty=y" # list all files under /javascript/
"Directory": "/javascript/",
"Files": [
"name": "new_name.js",
"fid": "3,034389657e"
"name": "report.js",
"fid": "7,0254f1f3fd"
"Subdirectories": null
### List files under a directory
This is for embedded filer only.
Some folder can be very large. To efficiently list files, we use a non-traditional way to iterate files. Every pagination you provide a "lastFileName", and a "limit=x". The filer locate the "lastFileName" in O(log(n)) time, and retrieve the next x files.
curl "http://localhost:8888/javascript/?pretty=y&lastFileName=new_name.js&limit=2"
"Directory": "/javascript/",
"Files": [
"name": "report.js",
"fid": "7,0254f1f3fd"
### Move a directory
This is for embedded filer only.
Rename a folder is an O(1) operation, even for folders with lots of files.
# Change folder name from /javascript to /assets
> curl "http://localhost:8888/admin/mv?from=/javascript&to=/assets"
# no files under /javascript now
> curl "http://localhost:8888/javascript/?pretty=y"
"Directory": "/javascript/",
"Files": null,
"Subdirectories": null
# files are moved to /assets folder
> curl "http://localhost:8888/assets/?pretty=y"
"Directory": "/assets/",
"Files": [
"name": "new_name.js",
"fid": "3,034389657e"
"name": "report.js",
"fid": "7,0254f1f3fd"
"Subdirectories": null
# Delete a file
> curl -X DELETE "http://localhost:8888/assets/report.js"