Updated Master Server API (markdown)

Chris Lu 2020-09-19 11:33:53 -07:00
parent 3f961a1e50
commit 0bdaeeda7b

@ -18,6 +18,22 @@ curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/assign?count=5"
curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/assign?dataCenter=dc1"
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---- | -- | -- |
| count | how many file ids to reserve | 1 |
| collection | required collection name | empty |
| dataCenter | preferred data center | empty |
| rack | preferred rack | empty |
| dataNode | preferred volume server, e.g. | empty |
| replication | replica placement strategy | master defaultReplicaPlacement|
| ttl | file expiration time limit, example: 3m for 3 minutes. units: m-minute, h-hour, d-day, w-week, M-month, y-year | never expire|
| preallocate | If no matching volumes, pre-allocate this number of bytes on disk for new volumes. | master preallocateSize |
| memoryMapMaxSizeMb | Only implemented for windows. Use memory mapped files with specified size for new volumes. | 0 |
| writableVolumeCount | If no matching volumes, create specified number of new volumes. | master preallocateSize |
### Lookup volume
We would need to find out whether the volumes have moved.
@ -39,6 +55,13 @@ curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/lookup?volumeId=3,01637037d6"
curl "http://localhost:9333/dir/lookup?volumeId=3&collection=turbo"
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---- | -- | -- |
| volumeId | volume id | empty |
| collection | optionally to speed up the lookup | empty |
| fileId | If provided, this returns the fileId location and a JWT to update or delete the file. | empty |
| read | works together with "fileId", if read=yes, JWT is generated for reads. | empty |
### Force garbage collection
If your system has many deletions, the deleted file's disk space will not be synchronously re-claimed. There is a background job to check volume disk usage. If empty space is more than the threshold, default to 0.3 which is 30%, the vacuum job will make the volume readonly, create a new volume with only existing files, and switch on the new volume. If you are impatient or doing some testing, vacuum the unused spaces this way.
@ -47,6 +70,9 @@ If your system has many deletions, the deleted file's disk space will not be syn
curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/vacuum"
curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/vacuum?garbageThreshold=0.4"
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---- | -- | -- |
| garbageThreshold | minimum garbage ratio | 0.3, which is 30% |
The garbageThreshold=0.4 is optional, and will not change the default threshold. You can start volume master with a different default garbageThreshold.
@ -68,7 +94,18 @@ curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/grow?dataCenter=dc1&count=4"
curl "http://localhost:9333/vol/grow?ttl=5d&count=4"
This generates 4 empty volumes.
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---- | -- | -- |
| count | how many volumes to grow | required |
| collection | required collection name | empty |
| dataCenter | preferred data center | empty |
| rack | preferred rack | empty |
| dataNode | preferred volume server, e.g. | empty |
| replication | replica placement strategy | master defaultReplicaPlacement|
| ttl | file expiration time limit, example: 3m for 3 minutes. units: m-minute, h-hour, d-day, w-week, M-month, y-year | never expire|
| preallocate | Pre-allocate this number of bytes on disk for new volumes. | master preallocateSize |
| memoryMapMaxSizeMb | Only implemented for windows. Use memory mapped files with specified size for new volumes. | 0 |
### Delete Collection
@ -77,6 +114,11 @@ This generates 4 empty volumes.
curl "http://localhost:9333/col/delete?collection=benchmark&pretty=y"
| Parameter | Description | Default |
| ---- | -- | -- |
| collection | collection name | required |
### Check System Status